
Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday chores

The past weekend was well spent. We attended a "camp" retreat in mid- California. Travel to and from was uneventful, and we saw many loved ones and had wonderful fellowship. There was a "tea party" for one of the lady's birthday, a craft session for some of the small ones, an open coffee bar, outstanding meals and much spiritual meat to chew on from the Bible studies.

I enjoyed working side - by - side with many of my "sisters" in preparing food and just sharing thoughts and crochet and quilt patterns. We all have so much to give each other.

Today I have been trying to get all that I brought along to the camp back into its proper place (why, oh why, did I bring so many things that were not needed?) Laundry has been a priority, along with getting my little trailer emptied and back into its place.  Mr has been painting and using the good weather preparing for the coming weekend. We look forward to some type of activity for bringing in the new year on Friday, although I don't know what it will be. I know that it is important for our young people to have something to look forward to.

I hope your weekend was as profitable as mine.

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