
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Old, Yet Still Usable

Isn't she cute? I can see this on a desk to hold hard candies, extra pens or pencils, or perhaps in a bath with flowers spilling out of the top. Many uses beyond the once tiny coffee pot.

It seems like not that long ago (well, maybe 40 years or so) we met a couple that we thought were "old".

Looking back, we now realize that at the time we met them, they were younger than we are now. Time puts a lot into perspective. I'm sure that there are young people that we meet that think that we are "old" also. And, we are... but we pray that we are still usable.

Often, when we are looking for resalable items, we try to envision an item and see if it could have a new function, or still be usable in its original form. I want to tell people to try not to throw out the item just because it has lost its first shine or luster, but rather give it another chance at full filling needs. Buying new is not always the best for sturdiness or functionality.

Another "sales tactic" -- when a customer sees a worn spot on a vintage item, a scratch in the paint, or a dent in the side of a cup, I tell them that this item was "well-loved" and is still lovable. It is still usable and functional. It has character, it has stories to tell of where it has been, what it has seen and it wants you to learn from them.

This past week has been a fun whirlwind.  I have had the privilege of having two of my daughters visit for a few days. My children that live here and they, were able to officially push me into "old age". We have had shopping expeditions, estate sale trips in freezing rain, teas, dinners, parties, games of MonopolyDeal with grandchildren, more dinners, fellowship, and times of sharing our hearts.

The two from Texas.

All four girls, the two on the ends live nearby. You may recognize "T", one of the Vintage Bicoleurs... Please excuse the quality of the pictures, I just whipped out my cell phone for these.

My son and his family, from far away sent beautiful flowers - what a surprise when the door bell rang...

My husband gave me these

And, what a yummy gift of soaps and bath bubbles from an exclusive shop in our local mall from my son and daughter-in-law that lives near. I wish you could smell these. One day the internet (with the way things are going) will allow you to experience smells along with sight and sound...

I thank the Lord of All for my wonderful husband and children, to say nothing of my sisters and brothers in Christ. Without them, growing old would not be fun at all.

One of my granddaughters wrote in her card to me:
"I can't wait to be a grandmother, it looks like so much fun"

Hopefully, I can get some pictures up soon of the incredible tea party that the girls threw for me. What a feast!

And, a big thank you for the families that gave up mothers and wives for a few days.


  1. Happy Birthday Helen! I'd heard the girls were coming from TX. What fun.

  2. How nice of your family to come to town for your birthday, Helen. So you have four daughters and one son? I do, too. It's so sweet what your grand daughter said. :). I hope you have many more happy ones (ha! birthdays and grandchildren). Blessings, Kim

  3. To get technical... I have 3 daughters, 2 sons and a niece who is also my "daughter". Six in all and what a blessing they are.

  4. Hi Helen,

    I just came across your blog a couple of days ago and have enjoyed catching up on it. Looking forward to reading more and seeing all the neat things you do with your finds.

  5. I would love your coffee punch recipe, Helen! Even if we don't use it at the reception, I'm sure it will get used. Thanks so much, Kim


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