
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Whimsical Wednesday

I can't believe it's Wednesday again.

We have had a few days of recovery from our show/sale in Alameda this last Sunday and it is time to get "crackin'" again.

I have a few pictures of the Alameda sale that I thought I would share.

A side view. Notice the happy shoppers... in the background.I can see that I need to stop taking "landscape" type pictures and more "portrait" type. In my "old school" of photography thinking, when I used film... get in as much as possible because you are going to pay for that picture when it is developed. The age of digital is soooo nice. Just need to change that thinking...

Toy box - sold, bread pans - sold, Mrs Chicken - sold, birdcage on stand - sold,

We called this a kitchen island/work station. It could be used to a sofa table, entry table, all kinds of things. Well last month we had a customer very interested in it, but she wasn't quite sure. Then it had a metal top and we Mr changed it to a wooden top. After many emails, pictues and all, she wanted it for this sale. She said she would be there at 10am. We put a "SOLD" tag on it and it really got a lot of attention.  In fact, we got orders for three more!! All a little different, custom made.

The shoppers are still shopping... that table in the middle is piled with jewelry that I put out later, when I was able to "baby-sit" it. We sold around $250 of just that stuff. Amazing what people find to spend money on. They lose their homes, but they can buy some trinket... well, it helps to pay our bills.

The sun is peeking around the corner, just coming up.

Now, this one probably has to be my all time favorite -- SOLD!

On another note:

Here is a picture of our fellas hanging out after our Bible study on one of our Sunday meetings

Mr D was playing in another area and didn't make this picture. These are our guys and we sure do love them. T=12, E=6, and L=6 months? Wouldn't trade them for anything...

Have a great day

1 comment:

  1. I heard it was a beautiful day and you even had to turn the a/c on for a bit on the way home.....I'm jealous!


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