
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Horray!! I finished this quilt project...

Well, I have been working on this quilt project for far too long.

I wondered if I would be eligible to draw Social Security before it was done.

It is for a grandson, who had his birthday back in early February... maybe it can be for his next one. He wanted cowboy things, can a 3 year old really know?  It is now warming up and this will be a very warm quilt. He probably won't need it on his bed until next year.

I had this bright idea (picture eyes rolling) that I would quilt a different design in each square. I had stars, a compass point, boots, hats, hearts, smiling faces and paisleys. I really like paisleys now.

Well, I can see that you cannot see any of the designs, that is just as well, as I was not going to take out the extra dark thread that shows through. I think I will tell this grandson that grandma was really old when she did this and she was too lazy too blind to make it look good.

On another front, I really need to get to ironing done today. I may resort to wearing something really ugly if I don't restock my closet.

If you are interested in seeing some of the other quilts I have done, they are posted on picasa under quilt pictures 

Please forgive the extra pictures, some are out of focus, I am not a photographer...
Have a great day.


  1. I think the quilt turned out beautiful! I love the name, and also how the black frames each square and makes it stand out. You are always so creative when you make these quilts, and I know it is because you care very deeply about the ones you are creating them for. Love you, Terry

  2. I love the quilt and I know J will too. I can still see him curling up on the corner of it when you showed him the quilt top! :) It looks great!!

  3. Cute quilt! I really like it and you did a great job!

  4. Its darling! I bet your grandson will love it! Great job!

  5. Thanks for your advice on quilting! Yours looks great! I hope mine will turn out even half as decent! I can totally see how it could get addicting, because there are endless fabric and pattern choices!


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