
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's Twist Again

My good friend allowed this to happen at her home... Thanks G

Mr had a great idea to have our young people make pretzels at our Friday evening gathering. I made up the pretzel dough and they were enthusiastic at rolling and twisting the dough into many shapes besides the traditional pretzel one. Words cannot describe the flour everywhere, the messy hands, the many shapes, or the willingness of the participation.  The best part was the smiling faces of our young people as they created their snack.

Creativity at work...

Busy hands...

Enough said...

I have to say, they were delicious... We even went beyond the usual salt top and put cinnamon/sugar on some. And... some had both!

A concerned grandpa cuts them into pieces so that there will be plenty for all.


  1. That looks like fun...it brings back memories of making pretzels at the E's and trying to stuff them with Easy Cheese!

  2. We LOVE to make pretzels!!!! And the last time we made ours we tried the cinnamon and sugar...oh heavenly for sure--Carb heaven LOL Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway :)


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