
Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Am So Behind...

I keep on getting behind,

perhaps it is because I keep making new projects on top of the ones that are already on the table,


I am behind, or so I think.

A couple of weeks ago (has it been that long?) I shared a picture of a really ugly - in my opinion - chest that someone had wall papered over the drawers
It was my self-imposed task to remove the wall paper. After many long hours, Mr repaired, repainted and attached little "feet" to the bottom of the corners. Here is that chest now, ready for the next sale.

I have also been diligently quilting on a project for one of my younger friends. This quilt grew and grew. It didn't start out being this large, but it could now almost be used as a bedspread :) If you are the sister to the recipient, please DO NOT share this photo... you know who you are...
It is supposed to represent "sea glass" colors.
I am now in the process of cutting for a baby quilt - pinks and greens. Pictures will eventually follow.

I found out that I won a prize at All Things Vintage and I eagerly await to see it. I know that Rachel at Van Hook and Company will do a fantastic job. She looks like she is in the middle of many projects herself, so I hope she doesn't feel pressured about finishing my new necklace...
We did go to the Granite Bay "Flea Affaire" show and it was a lovely day. The owner of the property - Julie is an unselfish person who gives of her beautiful yard and time to benefit the local arts program at the college. Now, I like the arts and all, but this person gives up her time to organize, plan, invite vendors and pull off this show, and at the expense of her yard. It is a tremendous amount of work and I take off my hat to her -- oh wait, I'm not wearing a hat -- you know what I mean.
Here she is with a niece
Mr and some of the junior bricoleurs (in training...)

There were plenty of shoppers

A rather uninspiring view of our selling area.

 The hardest part of this selling at shows is not the preparing the items to be sold (like repair, paint, - just like I do that...) or the loading, unloading in the wee hours of the morning, setting up so that it doesn't look like you just dumped it out of a box... (although I bet some do think that) but

figuring out what will sell...

Sometimes it will be furniture (much to Mr's delight!) Sometimes it will be a unique item that is a "one-of-a-kind", and sometimes it is jewelry (costume bling that women can't seem to resist). If we knew what they wanted, then we would only have to bring that, but it changes each time! It sure keeps us on our toes. The last show we sold one nightstand and a couple of "baker's racks" that they planned on using for plants outside -- in other words, no furniture to speak of. Little things, like necklaces, pins, knives, a watch or two... that is what catch their attention that time. Next time, who knows.

Well, that catches me up for a little while... Talk with you all later.


  1. :) Helen what can I say?!?!!? I wish you were closer!!! :) LOVE that dresser. The wallpaper was a nightmare! I too am so excited about making your necklace...I already have some ideas floating around in my head...

  2. WOW!! I LOVE the dresser! Seeing these pictures makes me miss you all very much!

  3. Love the dresser, and I can't wait to see what your necklace looks like (I have to admit I was a little jealous that you won :)) I absolutly LOVE your quilt!!! You are amazing! I'm sure the recipient will love it too. Hope your felling better.

    Love you,


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