
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Downtown Weekend

Once a month we go to a show that is held in downtown Sacramento.

This month, it fell on Mother's Day. We arrive at 3am. Unpack, set-up, hopefully sell some of our stuff, pack up and are on the road to go home by around 4pm. It is a long day, but it is our job.

Here are a few photos from the show, wish you could have been there. The weather was very pleasant and very "May".

One side of our space, notice the concrete freeway overhead. It provides both shade in the summer and shelter when it rains, but it does also provide lots of roadway dust that I don't notice until I clean up.
We had lots of "smalls".

Ladies love the jewelry. I pick it up at yard sales to resell. I also have knives, cuff links, and some belt buckles for the masculine interest, although there are men that go through the "jewels" looking for a looked-over piece of gold or sterling silver. (I have already looked...:-)

Here is a view to the other side. We have nightstands, chests, planter boxes, patio table with chairs and an unique coffee table that Mr dreamed up.

In the early morning, Mr bought this bin table (which he wants to fix up), but we put a price on it and it was a hit for people to reminisce with.

Here is one of the fabulous farm style tables that Mr has redone.

We had several items that could be called "children's" things. There was a cradle/rocking chair, a table with two chairs and a rocking chair. I made a few cushions for the areas that needed them.

Here is a shot of Mr's coffee table. It originally had a glass top, but after it broke, someone sold it to us. He put a piece of metal on top, added casters and knobs to match. A happy family took this home to use.

This is what we call a kitchen island. One this particular one, the sides hang over and a bar stool could be used for seating, beside being used for food preparation and storage. I think it is rather unique. Notice the "picker bucket" on its side. These were used by fruit pickers. They hung over the shoulder with a strap and the shape fits into the hip.

Here is a garden/potting/plant table.

Another view of the farm table

Here is another "picker bucket" on the patio table.

Our children's items with a cute little desk and chair.

There are two metal signs here, one behind the other.

Some chests and nightstands.

This space belongs to my daughter/friend and decorator extraordinaire, of the "Vintage Bricoleur". They have space at the same antique mall we do and their space is a showcase for advertising the mall. Whatever decorator skills Terry has, she did not get from me! I can only copy...

Danny (just a side of his head), Terry and Don are talking this customer into buying this chandelier. They seem to be pretty persuasive.

Danny, in the black sweatshirt, is checking out how to best help this customer.

Well, another day in the life at Wildberry Ranch. Hope you can come next time...


  1. It looks like you are making good use of that new camera! Thanks for advertising for me. Love, Terry

  2. Looks like your enjoying your camera. We always enjoy seeing pictures of your shows....and it's fun to see a table that Dad got while we were there.

  3. Wow, so many awesome things!! I wish I lived in the area, I would come shop!!


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