
Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Roses and Rust Show

Yesterday I dreamed I was in "Charlotte's Web" book.

You remember the story of the pig that was on the farm and how the animals talked to each other and the spider who name was Charlotte?  You don't? Well, it was a good children's book that I read to the kids long ago.
We went to a show held in the outskirts of Anderson, CA. On a ranch/farm. Beautiful acreage with draft horses that must have been six feet at the shoulders and rump... It was hosted by a group called:
Ladies of Lulafaye Home & Garden & Antique Cottage & Garden

They call their semi-annual show
http://rosesandrustvintagemarket.blogspot.com  (I still don't know how to make an underlined word go where I want it... anyone that wants to help me... go right ahead, I am trying to figure this out...)
We had a lovely time in spite of weird rainy weather for June!  Out here in central California, it rains off and on in the spring and by the end of May we don't see rain again until September or October. Well, this year has been really strange (talk about global warming, I'm still waiting to see it)

Our good friends/and daughter and son-in-law sold next to us.

This is looking through our space/tunnel area into our neighbor's (D & M), They started at the windows so cutely hung on the overhead frame of the shelter (we were so, so thankful for the shelter)

It rained off and on the whole day, but that didn't discourage the local shoppers from attending. I have never had as many people in my space at one time as yesterday. Not complaining, just amazed. We had our usual assortment of small hutches, nightstands, farm style tables, patio furniture and vintage jewelry. We were on the outskirts of the show and were the first booth to visit as you came in the gate. They not only got to see us when they came in, but were happy to visit again on their way out.  We backed up to the sheep's pen and this
Occasionally, they would neigh and it kinda sounded like they were giggling... (I know, strange imagination) Their friends of the esquestrian nature did this
Pulled a stage coach for rides. It was interesting to see the personalities of the horses. The one on the front left (I know there is a technical term the the place -- off or far -- near or something) anyway, that horse pranced... no other way to say it, with its head held high and almost danced down the road, the one on the right front pulled right along, but you could tell that it just wasn't having as much fun. Now, the ones in the back (you can see more of them here) did their job, but they were kinda tired of this whole thing, uninterested in putting on a show. It made me think of ourselves and our attitudes at times...we make it a good day - depending on our attitude.

Well, we have had a good study/sharing this morning, a fantastic lunch and now is the time for a little putting up our feet until a later gathering. Hope you are having a good day.


  1. Reminds me of the Abraham Lincoln quote "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." LOVE that quote! I finished up your necklace and will be shipping it off from Ohio tomorrow! Funny that you've had cool wet weather ---We've had nothing but heat here the past week....90s!!!!

  2. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Glad it was so successful!

  3. I tried to leave a comment over at VanHook & Co. but for some reason I can't.....so just wanted to say, I love the necklace that Rachel VanHook made, and we love Papa and Honey too!


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