
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

I have many favorites.

A lot of times when I find a treasure at a yard/estate sale, I cannot part with it at first, a testimony to the cluttered state my house is in.
They stay on a shelf, giving me joy as I look at them
admiring the handiwork of a true artisan.

Then, they must go on to a new home.
After all, this is not a museum.
And, my kids will thank me for not keeping everything.

I recently came across these two pewter teapots.
(at the same house I got ironstone from - only two weeks later!)

I would not be afraid to put anything in this pot, it is so shiny and clean.

The marks on the bottom of this particular pot are four shields
with characters inside them.
I cannot find a maker with those marks.
Pewter was popular in the 1800's.

This one:

Has a strawberry on the top and lovely filigree feet

This one has a mark that dates it to 1831-1851.
Can you imagine something that old and looking this good?
I hope that I wear as well.

Both had dents in the sides which I carefully tried to remedy as much as possible.
Pewter is a soft metal and it seemed to help.
I have decided that however much these want to be favorites
and stay here at the house,
they must go to our next show.

So, I have shined them up, priced them and put them in a container.
They are ready to grace the home of someone else.
Someone with more room than I have.

Do you have favorites?
Would you like to share them with us?

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