
Friday, September 30, 2011

I Was Featured!

Well, I was featured, along with some others, does that count?

We will be selling at the Roses and Rust Vintage Market on October 8th. It is in Anderson, Ca.

Look here.http://rosesandrustvintagemarket.blogspot.com/2011/09/sneek-preview-of-our-vendors.html

Yep, that me, third one down. With a picture of some of the items we had for sale at Moss Landing in July. We were invited back and we have been setting aside special treasures to sell there. Check it out and tell me what you all think.


  1. Congrats Helen! You have beautiful things so it is no wonder you were featured.

    Warm hugs,

  2. We love Wildberry Ranch....and the magic they work on furniture! Congratulations on the feature!


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