
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weather Watchers

We have the weather channel on our computers on "speed dial"... or favorites.

Out here in Northern California we can do shows all year long. That is, if the weather cooperates.

Our weather comes mainly from the west. We are on the edge of a funnel area that widens out from the San Francisco Bay area. Consequently, we have wonderfully cool evenings in the summer. A hot day (well over 100) can cool down in the evening to the low 60's with our "delta breeze". Sometimes we get weather from the north in the winter, a cold wind that chills things down quite a bit.

We hardly ever get snow. That being said, we have it "good" over some of my friends from the Midwest and east coast. So, we can do outside shows in most of the weather, if it doesn't rain, rain, rain.

With our large show in Alameda coming up at the first of the month, we are checking and rechecking the weather constantly. It determines what items we will take to the show. If it can "take the weather, we take it. Last year, around this time, we had several storms come raging through, and most of them were at the first of the month. What's up with that? We went down in the wee morning hours to Alameda and parked next to our space in driving rain. Not just a shower, but wind, rain and wetness. Nevertheless, we had purchased a pop-up canopy and we perched it next to our trailer so that the side door opened into the covered area.

 We were one of about 12 vendors (out of 800)  that braved the weather. Imagine 12 little islands on a very, very large abandoned aircraft runway. We did have shoppers that blew in briefly, or wanted to stay under the cover until venturing out to run to the next shelter, holding their umbrellas tightly against the wind. Now, that is dedicated shopping!

The staff came around about 9 am and said they were "calling the show" - that means that we would get a refund on our space rent and they would have to move the show to another date. They have since implemented a "roll-over rain date" that wrecks havoc with other shows throughout the month.

Now, we check ahead to see what the weather is going to do, so we take items that won't be ruined if they get a little damp. Metal is always good.

This week the computer tells us in the 10 day forecast:
1. Rain for Saturday and Sunday - 60% -- not so good
2. Rain for Sunday - 40%, dry on Saturday and Monday - maybe a shot
3. Scattered showers on Sunday - 40% - we can work with this
4. Few showers on Sunday - better

Who knows what the outcome will be. I never thought much about the weather until it affected me so much. Isn't that just like life? We don't think about the hungry until we ourselves are hungry. We don't think about unemployment until we don't have a job. We ignore the hot weather as we drive around in our air conditioned cars and sleep in our air conditioned homes until the system is down and we swelter through the days and nights. Hurricanes are unheard of here, but what about those that lose everything in earthquakes and other disasters?

Lord, help me to be aware of my brothers and sisters in all areas of their lives and pray for them.

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Big Thank You To: The Gathering Girls

Last Saturday was an amazing day.

We traveled around an hour and half to a Willows, 
a sleepy little town in Northern California.

The Gathering Girls - Holly and Delores were the production team for this sale.
They have a shop/store in town that has oodles of goods for sale.
We were able to visit the store just before it closed on our way home.
These ladies did an amazing job at producing this show
and keeping everyone happy - what a job.
Thanks Holly and Delores

There were 20 vendors that set up on the lawn/yard area of a local ranch.

We had such a lovely day, fine customers and
since it was the day the Lord had made
we rejoiced.

There were ponds, landscaped areas with benches for relaxing,
a cool breeze and many people.

We brought our usual array of stuff - oops, I mean merchandise...
There were tall redwoods that lined the middle grassy area.
You can see that we backed up to some.

We have been including some children's furniture like this cradle, small
tables and chairs, etc. I have made the mattress and some small
quilts to go along with them. Mr paints them up and they seem to appeal to the buyers.

There were some ladies from a community nearby that made homemade soups, 
sandwiches on homemade bread and fresh pies. Mr had a piece of apricot pie 
that he is still raving over.

Overall, it was a profitable day, an easy show, and as a plus,
on a Saturday.

So, once again, thank you to

The Gathering Girls
of Willows, California

We can't wait to come back.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award and Me

Recently, well, like this morning. I received an email announcing that I had been nominated for

"The Versatile Blogger" award!
What is this? I wondered...
Well, after careful consideration, a phone call -- I realized that this is not a joke!
It really is a award!
Another blogger has been
 actually benefited
from what I write???
With a drum roll please, I would like to thank

Terry from

I am a "little" prejudice
she is my daughter...

So here are the rules for what I need to do.


- Thank the person who gave you the award.

- Include a link to their blog.

- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

- Nominate 15 bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly for the Versatile Blogger Award.

- Link to their blogs.

- Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself


Without further ado - I give you my nominations. There is no particular order,
and, I would nominate The Vintage Bricoleur again, if I thought it would help...
but to give others their due.

And I could go on and on with others - like The Virginia House who was my first inspiration for blogging -- but she probably has so many nominations that she won't get to all of them before the coming new year. She has helped me in so many ways, one of which is the design of this blog.

And others, too many to list here.

These bloggers inspire me with their ideas, their lifestyles, their use of God's talents to them. Some are professionals, others are just like me, a homemaker, a wife, perhaps a single woman - but all are using what they have -- that inspires me to use what I have, too.

Now, to tell Terry things about myself. Hmm, I would say that she already knows most of these, but there may be some that read this and we can get better acquainted that way.

1. I live in Northern California, and although I have seen other places, countries, etc. this is home.
2. I am a quilter - not a very good one, but enough to get by and give them as gifts
3. Our first "new furniture" piece was a sewing machine cabinet that we bought on "time" to establish credit so we could buy our first house. (and it cost us $60!, $5 a month) Up to then, we had only used furniture. (and most of what we have now is "used" - oh, I mean vintage!
4. I have an over abundance of blessings in children (6), grandchildren (15) a loving husband of 40 years, and lots of friends.
5. I will take a spider any day, three times a day, to a mouse!
6. I came from a era that didn't throw out things, so my house has too many "someday" parts that I need to clean out. I have a plaque that says "Simplify" on it --- somewhere...

Now, you know who some of my favorite bloggers are - and way more than you needed to about me.

Thanks for the read.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Giveaway Alert! @ Ole Farmhouse on Windmill Hill

Here is a fantastic giveaway for those of you that do that sort of thing

A romantic ruffled pillow from my blogging friend over at
The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill


She is celebrating 50 followers - so get on over there and enter, become a follower, and have a chance to win.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Look For Us HERE!

We are going to be HERE on Saturday

We have been honored to present our wares at this market.
With only 20 vendors, we feel that it will be a fun, relaxed day.
Many of the vendors are personal friends and we know that you will find many treasures from the many items offered for sale.
So, come on by. It's not far, just a hop, skip and jump.

The Gathering Girls Present..
We have invited 20 of the finest Vendor ~ Decorators to gather at Redwood Spring Garden. Come stroll through the Redwoods, have lunch by the Spring and enjoy treasure hunting at its best!

Early Buying 8 AM - 12 PM $5
12 PM - 4 PM Free Admission

This is a Rain or Shine event!

FROM SACRAMENTO - DIRECTIONS: 1 HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES Take I-5 North to the Second Willows EXIT. Turn left going over the freeway and continue on HWY 162 for about 3 minutes! You're there!

We have loaded our trailer with many goodies, selected just for this show. Stop by and say hello.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Vintage Apron

I found this vintage apron at a yard sale and it spoke to me.

It said it would like to come home with me.

The young lady who was having the sale said it had belonged to her grandmother.

Now, who could leave something like that at a yard sale?

I could picture sunny days, baskets of laundry
and of course, wooden clothes pins.
I also love the embroidery on the front.

After I had it here for a few days,
it spoke to me again.

This time it was all about using the pattern for a new
apron for my money at our shows.

So, here is what happened

I rummaged around in my fabric stash and found this
bright apple print and solid green for the bias.
I cut the apron a little less deep and also sewed
a line down the front to divide it into two pockets.
The ties had to be lengthen to accommodate my "not-so-thin" waist.

I can't wait to use it.

Do you think it is a saleable item if I made more?
It took me 1/2 hour from cutting it out to finishing it.
And, what should I charge if I did sell some?

I would love your opinion

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Clock

Every time I enter my living room, I see the large chiming clock that has been beside the fireplace for over 20 years.  It is a wind-up clock and faithfully tolled its time on the hour and half hour. It now shows the time of 11:06. For whatever reason, and it is a mystery to me, it has stopped running.

Now, twice a day, this clock has the correct time. But for the majority of the time... it is wrong, very wrong. But, it has been right for so long, can I make an exception for it now?

Do we hold onto things just because it is the way we always have done it? And we are right some of the time, or do we examine the reasons and then decide if it is according to God's Word and that we should walk in it? Even if it means correcting something in our lives? (like getting the clock repaired and setting it to the correct time)  It takes a very brave heart to do the right thing. It may hurt, it may change your view of others, and it may change other's view of you.

My thought for today, Be right with God.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lap Quilt For the Coming Winter Months

This poinsetta fabric caught my eye and I had to make it up.
Into a lap sized quilt.

I don't know the name of the manufacturer of the fabric. On the back side
is another black background fabric with cardinals.

I have it for sale at the various shows that we go to.

I quilted around the flowers with my machine. I am pleased with the way it turned out.

Here is it peeking out of a wooden chest at one of our shows.

I am linking up with

(I think -- if this works)

Monday, October 10, 2011

A day of rest

Today is a recuperating day. We had a very busy weekend and it is nice to sit back and listen to the rain on the roof.

We went to Anderson, California on Friday to set up for the Roses and Rust Show that was held on Saturday, Oct. 8th. The weather was beautiful, a balmy 75 degrees for the high. There were over 70 vendors. They had food vendors, craft vendors, vintage wares, fabrics, metal, so many wonderful booths to visit. And, there were droves of people to come and spend a good portion of their day.

Here are a few pictures of our space.
Right side facing, hutches, nightstands, small tables, etc
I think I mentioned that we had been collecting children's furniture items.
Here is a child's size table with two chairs, a little red stool,
another vintage green chair, a bright tourquoise nightstand/table
a yellow "fireplace" chair and under the table
a cradle with a mattress, quilt and two dolls.
another view with a doll moved up to the chair.
I also said how I wanted to do a "cowboy" themed area.
Here is it on an iron plant stand. It drew lots of attention with the
cowboy hat, boots, tin dishes and such. I was quite pleased with it...
And then, the metal plant stand sold, so it all got moved to another place.

I made some bandanas out of cowboy themed prints. Hmm, none sold,
anyone need a bandana?
I even had some western jewelry to fill the small spaces in this wooden box.
I thought the tin dishes were a great addition, but no one bought any of them...
The entrance to over 70 vendors, selling everything from food to vintage items
was through this pathway. Every vendor also had to use this to access
their cargo trailers, pick-ups, vans, etc. So, it was good that we were able to set
up the day before the show.
Here is another view of our area, we had a 12 x 24, but it was so deep that
we were able to move some tables toward the back and it seemed twice that big.
Here is an island/work station that Mr made with some plants and this
and that on it and around it.
Our friends James and Jacque (who do an incredible job with metal) were one space
over from us. Visit their blog at:

Here is one of Mr's farm style tables. It is so beautiful with red legs and a stained
plank top. We had a coffee table chest on top with quilts spilling out of it.

Well, this day led to another day downtown on Sunday.

Mr got this little hutch in the morning and he wanted to bring it home and paint it.
It sold before the end of the day, so all the children's items that were left were the
cradle (without the quilt or dolls) and the yellow "fireside" chair.

To see the whole allbum of our travels for those two days, go to

We thank the Lord that He has provided again for us.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ready to Roll - Roses and Rust Vintage Home and Garden Market

We are all loaded except for the lunch stuff... We leave tomorrow morning to set up for the show on Saturday. It looks to be perfect weather (its raining here right now, but we expect dry weather for the show)

Going to Roses and Rust Vintage Home and Garden Market -- voted in the top 10 Romantic Flea markets in THE NATION! by Romantic Home Magazine.
 Woo Hoo!-- And we were invited to participate!


You can see more information about this show here:


and here:

We will be space #1 just as you enter the gate. Look for us if you can attend. Stop in and say Hi I saw your blog.

It will be held in Anderson, Ca at a beautiful ranch venue.

Gover Ranch Events Garden
3774 Gover Road
Anderson, CA 96007

put that into your GPS and we will see you there.

For more information about Gover Ranch -- visit
be sure to click on the pictures

 We will have a featured area of "I Wanna Be A Cowboy" and a special children's furniture area, along with our hand restored Farm Tables, work islands and sundry other treasures.

See you there.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marathon Month

October 2 was the start of a marathon month of shows.

Well, actually 4 this month. We did the Alameda show last Sunday and this Friday we will travel to the Roses and Rust Vintage Home and Garden Market, in Anderson, California, leave there Saturday evening and come on down nearer home to the Sacramento Antique Faire for Sunday. On the 22nd we will again travel a little north and do a show in Willows called "Gathering Better Junque". This link doesn't really tell you about the show, but rather the wonderful ladies that sponsor it and they do an incredible job at that.

For quite a while we have been gathering special items for these shows. For this weekend, we will be featuring "I wanna be a cowboy" theme. I have tin dishes, cowboy hats, boots, bandanas, deer horns, horseshoes, and old cast-iron griddle, etc. I wish I had taken a picture (vingette?) of it before it got packed into our cargo trailer. We also have another theme we have been working on: children's things. We have a small oak table with two chairs, a child's rocking chair, two dolls, a cradle, complete with the padded mattress and quilt, Winne the pooh clock and other "stuff". Sometimes in our gathering of things we just seem to run across items that go together. We have been saving them for a theme and we will see how this all works out.

Last Sunday we took many similar items to Alameda, here is a taste. And where, oh where, did my "watermarks" go? hmm
Okay, looking into the space, and traveling left side around the back to the front - does that even make sense?
a metal hutch top from a parts store on a metal topped bottom, with casters
Locking red nightstand on a small desk with a chair
A variety of nightstands, they seem to be the "butter on the bread" for us
A queen size quilt that I made - yes, it is the "block of the month" one. They are not my colors, but perhaps someone else will enjoy it.
A hutch/bookcase with glass doors
This is a 3 piece set, chest, mounted mirror on the chest and a small bedside table

A red island, work station that got so much attention (and sold)
A vintage grey rocking chair on a stained wood farm table and under that is a coffee table with stained parque wood top and shelf. There are vaious small benches and plant tables also here. The table and coffee table sold to a couple that are opening up a gathering/business place on Filmore Street in San Francisco and they wanted the dark stained wood furniture to decorate it with.
Here are two hutches, one with a metal top and the other wood. The all wood one sold.
I have some ironstone dishes and silverware in the basket on this red farm table with red legs. Under the table you get a peek of bed springs that were rather popular. Yes, bed springs! Decorators use them for candle holders, funny vases, grouped in threes - who would of thought? old rusty bed springs!

It is hard to describe the beautiful day that accompied our sale that day. Lovely clouds, the skyline of a huge city in the backdrop and temperatures that would leave those in those hot states drooling.

It is getting ready to rain, so we have packed all we can into the trailer and we are pretty much ready to hit the road on Friday. It will be around 3 hours up to Anderson, a quaint town with a rural feel. In the spring when we went there, we really enjoyed the laid back attitude and the friendliness of the shoppers, for a reminder of our time see here. It will be a different venue (or place that they are having the sale), but I am confident that we will have a good time, even if we don't make tons of sales.