
Monday, October 24, 2011

A Big Thank You To: The Gathering Girls

Last Saturday was an amazing day.

We traveled around an hour and half to a Willows, 
a sleepy little town in Northern California.

The Gathering Girls - Holly and Delores were the production team for this sale.
They have a shop/store in town that has oodles of goods for sale.
We were able to visit the store just before it closed on our way home.
These ladies did an amazing job at producing this show
and keeping everyone happy - what a job.
Thanks Holly and Delores

There were 20 vendors that set up on the lawn/yard area of a local ranch.

We had such a lovely day, fine customers and
since it was the day the Lord had made
we rejoiced.

There were ponds, landscaped areas with benches for relaxing,
a cool breeze and many people.

We brought our usual array of stuff - oops, I mean merchandise...
There were tall redwoods that lined the middle grassy area.
You can see that we backed up to some.

We have been including some children's furniture like this cradle, small
tables and chairs, etc. I have made the mattress and some small
quilts to go along with them. Mr paints them up and they seem to appeal to the buyers.

There were some ladies from a community nearby that made homemade soups, 
sandwiches on homemade bread and fresh pies. Mr had a piece of apricot pie 
that he is still raving over.

Overall, it was a profitable day, an easy show, and as a plus,
on a Saturday.

So, once again, thank you to

The Gathering Girls
of Willows, California

We can't wait to come back.


  1. Hi Helen! I'm sad I didn't meet you too! I visited with Zizi for a while, but maybe you weren't over there right then??? I was the dork in the brown suede vest and brown boots lol. Well I'm glad to hear you had a good day and maybe we'll get to actually meet sometime!

  2. So glad you had a good sale! My Monkey would have wanted to take that cradle home for her dollies! She has one, and every time she sees another she thinks she needs it. Sounds like you all had a great time! Wish I could come to one of those sales!


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