
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Quilt Finished

I am quite excited about finishing this quilt.  It has been a long time in the making, just because I couldn't decide where it was going. I asked advice from you all and took it all in. My design consultant... aka daughter helped me make the final decision and then it flew to the finish. Sometimes I have no idea where a design or fabric will take me when I start a project.

I purchased the printed panel on a trip to a quilt store in Grandbury, Texas last fall with a dear friend and it (the fabric, not the friend) has been hanging around waiting for me to do something with it. It had the four squares and the larger panel and I cut them apart and added more fabric to make it larger. As it stands now, it is just a little larger than lap size, unless, of course, you have a large lap, then it is just right. Or, if you wanted to have two laps under it, then it will do. After I washed and dried it, it is as soft as a baby blanket.

The backing border print fabric I purchased with the same friend at a different time when we took a trip to southern California a few years back. Somehow these fabrics needed to be paired.

I am so glad that this is finished. Do you have projects that take up "space" in your mind??? Or, maybe I'm the only one... Anyway, I plan of giving this to a couple for a wedding gift -- they have been married for a while now... is it still OK to gift them? I hope so.

Now, I have fabric that is waiting for me for another quilt, for another couple...

1 comment:

  1. I would say it's always ok to receive gifts, even if they've been married for awhile. I've been married for 21 years and I'd still gladly accept wedding gifts! :-)


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