
Monday, December 5, 2011

Tips and Suggestions 105 Making Friends With Other Vendors

Your neighbor at a show may be one of your best friends. Not the one you have coffee with and talk about how your mother-in-law makes pecan pie, but the one you want to help keep an eye on your things when you need to run to the rest room, or get a bite to eat, or make change of $100 bill. Keeping a friendly, but professional outlook is good. They are the ones that may notice that lady putting a little something extra in her purse. Or, they may give you a lead on someone to talk to about what you sell.

When you rent a space, normally you have a designated area, say a 10 x 10, or 15 x 20. Lines are drawn, sort of. Maybe only at the corners. Anyway, you want to keep your neighbors happy with you. Be courteous and not crowd their area. Make sure your hanging quilt doesn't blow into their valuable glassware. Common sense goes a long way here. We had one "crabby little lady" tell us that we were "over the line" at one show. (we had probably - by an inch or so!) We moved our tables over, trying to be cheerful. That was a long day. The next show she was very nice! "A soft answer turns away wrath". Who knows what was going on in her life that day? A family disturbance?... car troubles?... just not happy with herself?... Whatever, we are examples every day of our life of Jesus Christ and I, for one, want to be a good example.

As we collect, buy things for shows, we keep in mind that the vendor across the way sells lamps, or the one on the corner sells vintage hardware, or that lady has vintage linens. Sometimes we buy what we find and trade or sell it to the other vendors for a small profit. We don't do anything to it, just collect it for them. It makes for a friendly relationship and they may do the same for you from time to time.

When I say make friends, I am not talking about hanging out, going to their BBQ's, or getting involved in their lives. I just want to make it pleasant for those around me to do their business and I do mine.

Do you have questions that I could perhaps answer?


  1. Helen your tips about taking supplies (tape, pens, scissors, etc) were so helpful! I did like you said and I am so glad! I ended up needing some of those very items! My day at the farmers market went really well!! Looking forward to reading more tips!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments. I am glad they were helpful. This was the last one that I had prepared, unless someone can give me more ideas on what is needed...


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