
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Few Days in Tahoe

I think I told you that we ran up to Tahoe for a few days.

Well, my planning for the trip was during the
preparation for a show in Roseville,
Mr taking a Bible study on Sunday
and me, getting together our clothes,
a small amount of food, etc.

Well, I forgot some of the clothes...

I didn't even know they were missing until
we unpacked the back of the truck to go to the room.

I had packed an extra top in the duffle bag for me,
a few polo shirts for Mr and a pair of denim pants
along with our other necessities.
Thank the Lord we had that much.

We had breakfast at one of our favorite places,
Zepher Cove Restaurant.
They have always have had the BEST food.
enough said...

A look back at the place we stayed...
hey, don't judge - it was free...
well, after we listened and said "no thank you"
no, thanks
not interested
ah, no
no, thanks
well, after about a million nos,
finally they signed us out
and said we could come back
for a couple of days - free

Guess what?
They wanted us to listen again!

We said - No Thanks!


  1. Haha, every few years we do one of those NO deals, just to get the free weekend. The last one we did was over the top and offensive, we reported him to his boss, and then said don't call us we'll call you. Never. I think it will be a while until we do another. Glad you enjoyed your weekend!!

  2. Glad you had a nice time! I remember going to something like that once with my parents. Probably wouldn't try it my self! lol


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