
Monday, May 7, 2012

"Giveaway Time"

I know you all want to enter this giveaway...
Image from The Silver Craftsman

OK, I'm just a little bit prejudice... well, A LOT!

Because, ta da... it is my grandson that is the Silver Craftsman!

Think action figure in tights, helmet, cape flowing from the fastenings on his back...

Well, again, just picture a 14 years old young man who has this hobby and is incredibly talented. Yes, enough to make jewelry and other special items for you and me.

Go to his Etsy store here and you will see what I mean. Isn't it wonderful, incredible and just inspiring?

I got this information from The Virginia House who is hosting this giveaway... Jillian is giving away a $20 gift certificate to Sheldon's shop ... and Sheldon is offering Free Shipping for this week. The more you comment or order, the more chances you will have at winning this certificate.

I personally like the pendants with the little extras hanging from them. Well, just to let you in on a little secret, I have tried some of this silver stuff and it is not as easy at it first appears. You have to know what you are doing and also have the right tools. Just to say...

So hit up Jillian at The Virginia House and see what is happening...

And, don't forget to visit


And, thank you Jill for doing this.


  1. So exciting to see something about one of the family! Already commented at The Virginia House.

  2. Wow ---Helen tell him I said "WOW" and I was an art teacher for 10 years so that should count for something!!!!! Very nice professional looking work. Hope that he's doing well with selling his wares on Etsy...


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