
Thursday, May 31, 2012

They Put Me In Charge? ?

The World Famous Bricoleurs
(okay, maybe only State or Nationally famous)

went on a trip to

(otherwise referred to as ROTP)
where they are selling in a two day show this weekend

To make a long story shorter...
they left ME in charge for a day...Friday

Whoa! is right!

I made an appearance there to go over my 'cheat list' one more time.
You know, unlock the door, turn on the lights, count the cash drawer.
(I personally love lists...)
The laughing one is Terry, the scared one is you know who...

Before my daughter arrived, I made a small tour of all the "Sheds" have to offer
and I just scratched the surface

There are many metal 'statues' to see
Just outside the back door is a full nursery

Rows of pots line the back walkway

It's going to be fun,

I will be representing (in my poor way) their style
and famousness (is that even a word?)

Check back later to see how I did...


  1. How fun! I think it would be fun to work in their store for a day, just think of the people you will meet and the goodies you get to look at! Have fun, don't worry I am sure you can call if you have a problem!

  2. I'm sure you did just fine!


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