
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Vintage Bricoleur in an Ebook...

At our Alameda Point show last weekend I overheard someone telling my daughter Terry that there was a nice picture of her in the magazine for the Remnants of the Past show that is coming up in June (the 2nd and 3rd, - mark your calendars)

This is the premier show of the west coast in many opinions. My daughter - head honcho of

has sold there for the past couple of shows and keeps getting invited back...

Go to the Remnants Of The Past web page and there is a ebook option on the left. Click on it and you get an idea of the type of vendors that show/sell here. Top-notch, people... Go through the book and on page 20/21, there she is, a sweet person and you can't help but buy from her. Her space and her wares are in the background. If you didn't find it try this... http://remnantsofthepast.com/booklet/booklet.html. Now you see?

They have a store located in the High Hand Fruit Sheds - an old fruit shed that has been converted into a shopping experience for anyone. It holds, besides "The Vintage Bricoleur", a restaurant, flower shop/landscaping store, fabric store, wine tasting, rug store, art gallery, candle shop and more. Many of these shops offer classes in their expertise. It is air-conditioned and has been recently retrofitted with solar panels that provide a good deal of the energy to run this whole thing. If you go to this blog post, http://thevintagebricoleur.blogspot.com/2012/05/vintage-bricoleur-in-may.html you can see the fruit sheds, the solar panels on the roof and more of the store front located inside. There are exhibits of pictures of when the sheds were used to pack fruits from the many orchards and farms that populated the area many years ago. That is before it was "discovered" and one area of the town of Loomis boasts million dollar mansions.  A destination for sure, whether it is a hot day or a cold windy day. You can spend hours here and the weather will not affect you.

If you are in the San Luis Obispo area on June 2 or 3, you must visit this show. Besides the show, there are many things to do there (don't get me started)

Anyway, a proud mother just wanted to let you know...

1 comment:

  1. You are rightly proud of Terry. She is the best! Not only does she bring awesome treasures, she is one of the kindest people I know. She will always be a vendor at Remnants. So proud to have Vintage Bricoleur a part of Remnants! xoxo Judy


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