
Monday, June 4, 2012

Meeting La Dolfina at Alameda

Yesterday we were selling at Alameda

And, our neighbor was Terri of La Dolfina in space T7

I guess my daughter Terry has been a follower of her blog for quite a while. The two (Terry/Terri) have never met, so at the end of the day, she gave me a hug to deliver to Terry for her. She has quite an eye for collectibles that are sea-worthy, ocean themed and just really unique.

Anyway, here are a few shots of our space

We had a few flags. We put them up to dress up the space and to also,
hopefully, make our space memorable to visitors.

I had one that did not fit well on its pole, so I draped it over a table and had red, white and blue things for a display. A customer came and wanted to buy that particular flag, wouldn't you know it?

Our "Lovely Bones" lady was there and generated some interest, but not enough to send her home with someone, so she will travel to another show this weekend.
You can read about her transformation on this post.

The green nightstands, 
This white chest,
and a table similar to this one

was snatched up be a dealer before 7 am
My neighbor from across the way had gathered these sweet tiny roses and bundled them for selling. She presented me with a bouquet early and they nestled below this footstool in the most charming way.
Another few shots. As you can tell, I am not very talented at arranging my wares. I get by and that is it.
A island/workstation, whatever you want to use it for... that Mr has created from repurposed items. He is getting a name for his zinc tops and also the things he brings to a show. Some have told us, they shop us first, which is very humbling to us.


  1. Hi Helen!!!

    How sweet of you to leave me a comment!
    You didn't tell me you had a blog!
    It was so wonderful landing next door to you, I guess I was meant to meet Terry's sweet parents first!
    I hope they had a fabulous show at Remnants.
    You and your husband are absolutely delightful and I was truly blessed to be your neighbor at The Point!!!
    Oh and I am in awe of you both as my hubby and I are totally wiped out and we live in alameda! How do you do it?
    La Dolfina

  2. Good morning Helen! How fun to sell at Alameda! Oh but I know how much work it is! I have family in the area and I know I will get to the market some year. So nice to know you came by my place!


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