
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sprucing Up An Old Friend

Have you ever 'saved' something and then realized it was too late to use?

Well, a long, long time ago, when I was a child, yes, boys and girls, I was once a child.
I was given a doll. It had a wardrobe, a bed, a little nightstand and a chest for the end of the bed. I think the original gift had a chair also, but I don't have it now. This is what I think would be called "vintage".
It still has the original dress, although the shoes are long gone.

Well, when my children were small, I got it out for the girls to play with.
I thought they were too 'rough' with it, though, after all, it was mine when I was a child. I guess I still claimed ownership, even though I was way too old to use it again.

When I discovered that one of the boys had performed orthopedic surgery on one of the girl's dolls. (he cut off the toes - I think to see if it would bleed - at least he didn't operate on one of the girls...)
Anyway, I put my doll up in the cupboard, away from destructive hands...

Well, the other day I discovered it again. My girls are too old (all in their 30's, almost a 40 year old)
The grandchildren that are girls, well, most are approaching their teens, running full steam ahead and the only one left to play with the set will be 8 soon.

Where, oh where, did all the time go?

So, I decided that this doll was doing no good to me. I don't even have the grandchildren over to play with the doll. So,the youngest grand -girl would get it.
(my name sake)

It has seen a lot of wear and tear through the years.

I made a small quilt to go on the bed, and a nightgown for the doll, a little pillow and mattress, and I plan on sending it soon to Texas. 

You can see the size of the quilt by the coffee mug next to it.

I don't want to wait any longer, this grandchild may be getting married before I realize that the time has flown by. Sorry to the other grand - girls. You will just have to play with the doll when you visit "M".

Linking up to

JAQS Studio - Made By Me # 41
Quilt Story: Fabric Tuesday
Shabby Creek Cottage Transformation Thursday
French Country Cottage -Feathered Nest Friday
The Vintage Farmhouse Creative Things Thursday


  1. I remember the special times we got to play with this doll. I even won a prize for "most unusual" at a doll party that I attended a long time ago. I am glad that it is being passed down to a sweet little family member. ~H.M.W.~ After all, those were your initials when this doll was given to you! The oldest granddaughter says she is happy it is going to "M". Terry

  2. Makes me laugh at the fact that we have my husband's Matchbox cars hidden in the cupboard as he's deemed our boys 'too rough' to play with them! Perhaps I should coax him to let go.

  3. I remember my mom telling me years ago that the only way she played with dolls was to do "surgery" on them. She cut them open and squirted ketchup (blood) to make the "surgery" more authentic. Sonja

  4. I'm sure she will cherish the doll and quilt you made ... even more so when she is older. Probably will be hiding it away from little ones fingers too someday. You did a great job on the quilt. I used to make miniature quilts and I know it can be quite a task:)
    Your newest follower, Francine

  5. What a treasure- and that quilt is so darling! Thanks so much for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!


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