
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Apple Night

About a week back you heard me whining about all the apples we had here.

Well, Mr and I, with help from some of the grandkids, gathered up a bunch and took them down to our friend's home one evening. The young people, along with their mothers' supervision, with a grandmother thrown in here and there, peeled probably well over a bushel. If you don't know how much a bushel is, well, to tell you the truth, I don't either.

There were some guests from out-of-town that graciously allowed us to put them to work.

The boys were moving so fast, that at times they were a blur ...
that, and my poor picture taking skills.
The older boys gave advice to the younger ones on the best way to make the peeler work.
 He finally got to work that mechanical machine...

Meanwhile, some of the mothers and a few older girls spiced up the peeled apples in preparation for putting them into zip-lock bags.

There was a line-up for picture taking from one of the dads.

Some fathers discussed "world events", solved "world hunger", the economy and the like.

A large pot of applesauce was also cooked and enjoyed that evening. I think around 16 to 20 gallon bags were prepared for freezing.

And, we all had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good time. Thanks for all the pictures.


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