
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Applesauce Anyone?

Criss Cross, Applesauce, 
Spiders Crawling up my Back...

Are you tired of apples yet?

I have been trying to keep up with just the ones on the ground. The wind-falls. Although there has not been any wind. I had this huge tub and started peeling and peeling with my trusting little peeler.
These are Graven stein apples
This is an 8 quart pot, it is almost overflowing.
Roughly 60 or so apples
Add a little sugar and cinnamon. Let it simmer and put it in jars.

It made 5 quart jars
I do know that there are only 4 here, peek next door to the other pot.
And, of course, not all of it fit into the jars, sigh, I just had to finish this up

Then out to the compost heap to dump these.
Tomorrow there will be more.
And, you should not see my hands, they are so stained.


  1. Yummy!!! I just began juicing, and the trick to making every shake taste yummy is APPLES. Following you now too...

  2. Yummy!!! I just began juicing, and the trick to making every shake taste yummy is APPLES. Following you now too...

  3. Just think of the yumminess. is that a word? LOL Apple pies, applesauce....You are so lucky. Enjoy Helen and thanks for visiting.

  4. Yes Helen, it was watermelon, I cut out with a biscuit cutter.....Thanks for visiting....

  5. Yum! I LOVE applesauce, and yours looks especially good. I made some once with Jonathan apples and it tured out pink. It was pretty, but no one believed that I didn't add food coloring.

  6. Yum, think how happy you will be this winter :)


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