
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Vintage Newspapers - What to Do... Give Me Some Ideas

In today's world, a newspaper seems like a waste of good trees, doesn't it? Except for the facts that you can hold it in your hands, come back to it when you please, and see a little of history, what is an old newspaper worth? These days we have instant knowledge, I can't tell you how many times I go and 'google' something for information, prices, general knowledge and such. A vintage newspaper captures the day it was written, so what to do with it?

A while back we were gifted with some newspapers. A couple wanted a table, we had to modify one we had and they came from about 50 miles away to pick it up. In the phone conversations before they actually arrived, they said they had some old things and they were looking for a home for them. Among those items were some newspapers. Well, I thought, sure, bring them on.

The newspapers turned out to be bound volumes that were from 70 years old to well over 100...!
They are large, very large, the whole page is bound.

The oldest of the volumes is from 1869. I wasn't even a thought in my parents head then...

I love the old ads, imagine using an upper set of dentures to advertise!

Hats and caps. "New styles received every steamer". Those came by steamer boat from San Francisco, up the Sacramento River.

Gentlemen's Clothing

How about a lost horse? Reward offered if you see him. I think $20 was quite a bit then.

Then, we move into the 20th century and the war year of 1944.

Shoes - non-rationed for only $2.79!


News from the war front.

And political cartoons.
Well, any ideas of how to sell these?
I have 10 different years with one duplicate.

A local University Library has copies of these in their Special Collection Section.
I have emailed them and have not received a reply. Maybe because I said I wanted to sell them...

I am looking for ideas (beyond donating them ;-)
Put your thinking caps on and give me your best.


  1. I keep waiting for some neat idea that someone has about what to do with these newspaper books.

  2. These are so wonderful. I sell books online sometimes, but have never seen bound newspapers like these. Not sure of the best way to sell them.

  3. I have framed old ads. One time I found a great Christmas ad that I added to an old frame and sold it. I've also used old newpaper as a backdrop to a smaller puzzle or something that i've decoupaged on top and framed. Sold them too. Love old paper!

  4. Have you heard of Timothy Hughes Rare Newspapers? They might be interested. They're an authority on original, antique newspapers. http://www.rarenewspapers.com


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