
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Trials and Tribulations of Choosing Colors

I have a weak spot in my make-up

I have a challenge at choosing correct colors for projects.

Just when I think I have a winner, I stand back and say, 
Uh, Oh, Hmm

I have been working on a rug
from scrap fabrics in my stash.

I simply loved the fabric in the center and then I loved the light blue

One of my daughters (AKA design team to help out mom)
suggested that it needed some yellow,
so, some yellow and then some light green.

Okay, now a dark row... with some orange,

Take off the dark row and put on the orange...
At one point, there were four rows of orange...
wrong... again!

So, I took off two rows and added this multicolored fabric
wrong again.

All the orange came off...

Another part of my design team (a different daughter to help mom out)
suggested that I get some  more dark pink in there to pull out the center.

Then I added the darker row for the end,
at this point I am ready to be done with this!

View from if you were laying on the floor
not that you would need to know this, but just saying...

And one more shot of my favorite area

This is the back, if you want to put off washing the whole thing
for a day or two, turn it over.

Linking up to:

Made by me at JAQS Studio  
Transformation Thursday at Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. I love it! I would never have the patience or endurance to try so many colors over and over. It is beautiful.

  2. You know, I have a great technique for you that you will JUST LOVE.

    When I paint, after it is finished, I give my paintings a wash with one color (mostly orange) and then immediately take that paint back off.
    What this does is giving the painting a unity, and all of a sudden, the painting is raises 5 notches in terms of quality.

    You can apply the same principle with your mats. Simple dumple your rug once it's finished into a fabric dye. Not so long to make it all 'bright pink' or 'bright red', but perhaps ... just long enough to make them blend.


    Meanwhile, if you want more handmade rugs ideas, they are all on my blog. Start here: http://www.finecraftguild.com/eco-friendly-bath-mat-fun-diy-project-to-do-in-the-easter-break/ and then just follow the links at the bottom for the others...

    Have a happy day! ~ Rose


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