
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Current Projects

I really have been doing a few projects. I am slow, then I get a short, and I do mean short, burst of energy and then I am slow again.

I have been working on a quilt or two, or three.

I know, kinda wild, but it grows on you.

Then, there is a more traditional one,

And then, one that has been festering working its way around in my brain.

I sewed strips together, then cut them into 6" squares

I have laid them out on my design table, well, the living room floor. I don't know if they will stay this way, or be arranged differently. So far, this is probably the design they will be. It really is a pattern, "Rail Fence", and I didn't make that up! But, there are a few squares that need to be changed. Like the ones on the far left, center. They are just not working for me.

This morning, G, T, A and I went for our walk. It was warmer than yesterday when G and I walked. Then it was in the 30's. Rain is expected later today, but we did get a run into the store to replace a sold table or two, before it started in. After a busy weekend, I am content to be a homebody where it is warm.

Psalm 90:12  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Lord, I want to remember these words today and apply them to my life.


  1. I love the quilts...especiall the Rail Fence one. Keep working on it!

  2. I love your quilts. They are all very pretty.


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