
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things that plug in

I was at Goodwill yesterday and I saw a lady pick up a waffle iron. Now, I wanted that waffle iron. The one I had at home had just given up the ghost. I discretely followed her around for awhile, hoping that she would put it back... no luck. She scooted into an aisle and examined her find.... satisfied smile on her face. I mentally talked to her, telling her that I really needed that waffle iron, instead of her. Well, she went home with it and I came on home.

This morning, Mr asked for waffles, wouldn't you know it! I rooted around and found one that I had hidden back in a cupboard. I used it and this is it after I cleaned it up... (I put blueberries in the mix - they stick...)

It still makes waffles. I have had it for well over 20-25 years. (Yes, they had waffle irons when I was first married) My kids can probably remember having waffles from this iron. I still think I need another one, because this one really needs retirement.

Then I started thinking about all the things that I have that plug in...

Coffee Maker
Rice maker
Toaster oven
Kitchen Aid mixer
Espresso maker
George Foreman grill
Bread maker
2 (count them) Slow cookers

This is only in the kitchen!  If I went around the house, I know I would find more and more "life saving" appliances that make my life easier...

Sewing machine
Cell phone charger
Various lamps
Clock alarms
Hair dryer
Washing machine
Blower on the gas fireplace

This is'nt even counting the "built ins" - dishwasher, stove, microwave...

What in the world did our grandmothers do!!

The same thing I do when I don't have electricity...

Candles make light
Fires cook food
Perculators make coffee
Clothes dry in the sunshine
Needles and thread still sew fabric
If it is dark, go to bed, If it is light, get up and do your chores

Lord, help me to be a virtuous woman, even if I do have all those things that plug in.


  1. so funny! When Jim and I were engaged and registering for wedding stuff, Jim said we HAD to get a round waffle iron, because only the round kind makes good waffles. He was probably thinking of the kind this iron made! Well....someone's birthday's coming up! Have you seen the double ones? Makes two at a time, still one plug.

  2. I have a round waffle iron too, and I can just imagine Jim saying that! Isn't it funny how thing from our childhood shape the way we think about things?....mmmm, I wonder what I'm teaching my kids.

    So, someones birthday IS coming up. When are you going to do a post of your wish list???


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