
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Favorite Place and a finished project

One of the great things about life is that you can have favorite things, places, foods and they are yours.

One of my Favorite Places to visit when I go to our local Antique Mall is this one...

the vintage bricoleur

Now, you may be like I was and say "Huh", what is that?"  Well, the dealer has provided a handy definition for us:

Now, that is definitely helpful and so enlightening. This dealer makes use of things that I may throw away or put away hoping for some use at a later date. Like this:

Yes, those are feather dusters, don't they make a nice bouquet?

A music wreathe, good for all seasons

Are you getting the picture as to why this is a favorite place to visit? And, if she the dealer, sells something, it is replaced with something else to goggle over. Never gets old.

Last, but will not be the least, my most favorite... Petticoat Lamps

I keep telling this person that they need to blog, but they 'think' they wouldn't be able to do it!  If they can make such an appealing place here, what do you think?


Now, on to my finished project. The other day I shared a quilt that was in the making, well, here it is then...

I added the border, quilted it and then the binding. The finished project

Pictures just don't show it the way it really is. I have really fallen in love with this one, I hope the recipient likes it. If they don't, maybe they will give it back :)

 I am trying to link to:

WhisperWood Cottage

On the sides I quilted in: "I will lay me down to sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD makes me dwell in safety" and "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good and his love endures forever"


  1. Hmmm, that's funny you mention the Vintage Bricoleur....I had received an email from them today and was looking at their signature and was thinking, "they need a blog". So you have my vote, T! I'll follow for sure!

    About the quit, I love it! It turned out so nice, you should make one like this for yourself.

  2. I know how much time and talent it takes to make such a work of art! I'm sure the recipient will love it! Thanks for linking up at WWC!

  3. I vote yes on the blog idea! That would be great!



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