
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

We received news last night. My son called and said "Mom, I have bad news".  I didn't even know what he was going to say, but my heart started to ache. They were expecting their third child and the doctor's office could not find a heart beat. Their child, our grand child, this little soul had already gone home.

Today I am sad. Sad for a child I have never met, yet. Sad for my son and his precious wife. I have assurance that I will meet this baby in a far better place. This child is rejoicing with my Lord, and getting to know the child I lost 25 years ago. It never gets easier, you just carry it deeper, and you know what those that lose a child feels.

Safe In the Arms of Jesus -- the hope that helps us draw us closer to Him


  1. I am so sorry! I don't know which of your children you are talking about, but I am praying for you and your family!


  2. We are praying for J&M right now. We love you guys and T&J too. It was 10 years ago this week that our family also said goodbye to baby Jillian.

  3. Our hearts are sad for you all, but so thankful that we have the promise of seeing our loved ones again. "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal." We will be praying for all of you.


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