
Thursday, February 10, 2011

4th Grade Missions

This afternoon I got to spend some quality time with my granddaughter "Little A" working on her 4th Grade California Mission project.

Every year the teachers have their students make a mission and every year there are sugar cube missions, missions from shoe boxes, missions that look like their makers were college graduates (perhaps they were), missions that blow your minds.

Anyway, you get the picture. Little A has a great sense of creativity and she sees possibilities where others see roadblocks. She has a goal, especially if it involves crafts... Well, I said I would be happy to let her paint her mission project as I had an overabundance of craft paint from a rock painting phase that I went through some time back. She arrived proudly carrying her project, mounted on a wooden base. Her daddy had helped her cut and glue the buildings together and it really looked like a little paint and she would be on her way.

A few hours later, a few paint spatter clean-ups later, a few burnt fingers on the hot glue gun later, and a whole lot of laughter, fun and time well-spent together, we arrived a whole lot closer to a finished project. Little A still has the dream of an arbor inside the courtyard, possible bells in the towers, and who knows what other creative do-dads that she will come up with.

It was so fun to work together, and I know my own children will say, "hey mom, we didn't get to do craft stuff like this when we were that age" -- to that I say - then I had to clean up and make dinner for 8 after using the kitchen table, counters and all that craft stuff out  - (sorry, no frozen pizzas in the freezer then) -- then I did good to keep my sanity.

You know, I can't remember one of the six missions I helped with...but I think I will remember this one. And the crazy thing is, I didn't take any pictures... Maybe Little A's folks will take pity on me and send me one.

Thanks Mom and Dad for the pictures

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