
Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Finds

Well, here it is Friday again

Mr and I hit the roads early, but then because it was so cold, for here, there were not many sales.

We did hit a jackpot at one around 9  Here are some of our treasures

A Bosson's head, he will sell for around $18 - $20

Cute heavy metal sign

A Coca Coca thermometer (ca: 1981) not real old, but old enough

26 of these Time Life Old West Books, I plan on asking $5 for each. They all needed a good wipe down, they were pretty dusty.

Cute pine chest
A potato bin, you would not believe what Mr did with this!

This was a large pine bookcase, quicker than you can blink an eye, and before I got my camera out, Mr had it apart for the boards. They will make a lovely top for a Farm Table.

A baker's rack, just needs some soap and water and some scrubbing to make it desireable

A cute black wooden stool. I will do more with this in another post. I want to paint a number "3" on the top and then distress it.
It always amazes me that we can find junk, I mean items that someone is getting rid of, clean it up a little and make some money on it. It is really a good thing, because this is our life. Just call us the "Junkers" or something. Reminds me of the stories of the Rag Man that would come into town and always have something to sell the housewives, be it a skillet, pot, rags or such. I really am blessed.

Keep reading to see one of the items above transformed.

Remember that potato bin from above, it is now a little stool with a tin top. It is not completely finished, but will be soon.

Have a good weekend dear hearts.


  1. hi Helen...welcome to blogging. Looks like you have some great projects to share with us. We love projects:) Thanks for your interest in a feature, you left your comment in the right place and I am choosing randomly, so you never know:) XO

  2. Helen you're probably going to think I'm a total nerd--I didn't know this was you. I wondered, but just wasn't sure so I had to come check you out. Little did I know that I was going to want all of the things you have found at your hunting expeditions. I'm hoping to hit Antique Alley here in Texas in April(it's kinda like a flea/antique/thrift sale). I can't wait to see what I come back with. Sure wish I could do more garage/antique/estate sales! I love that box of jewelry you found. Wish I was there to rifle through it! Have a great evening!


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