
Monday, June 20, 2011

Here Come Those Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

I distinctly remember hearing about those days

I can't find them...

We have been so busy, good busy, tho

First, we went on a camping trip up the river, where there were many that braved the rafting trip down the river -- about 5 miles.

Mr in his sturdy craft coming down the river
Some of us waiting for the "rafters" to arrive and those that have already come in telling stories of their narrow escapes from the "terrors" of river rafting, like running aground in the shallows, hitting rocks on their backsides, or gettin splashed from a fellow rafter as they floated by.
Special guests from far away even braved the rafting trips
One of my daughters and granddaughters

Many young people sitting around and playing games and getting to know each other better

Unusual rock formations...
Campfires enjoyed by young and older alike
Tri Tip prepared by our own chefs over an outdoor grill with:
Salad, hot buttered bread,

Pinto beans with a delicious BBQ sauce to go over either the beans or the meat or BOTH!
And, not to forget the delicious deserts - about 9 different cakes to chose from. Definetely NOT a diet camping trip.

One morning found some of the grandsons visiting with Mr (Papa) at breakfast time.
(along with some "adopted" grandchildren)

We are preparing to go to a wedding this coming weekend down near the central coast. We secured the campground at the first of January, so we were commited to this camping trip and did not go to our usual show on the second weekend. This has been a one show month for us - we did the northern California one at the first of the month (that seems like a year ago by now)

Hot weather has finally hit us and today we had near 100 if not hitting it. We were blessed with so much rain earlier in the year, that it has made a lot of the vegetation grow more and that will make for more of a fire hazzard as we get warmer.

We have many items ready for the next coming show, at the first of the month in Alameda, Lord willing. Some items we save for just this show each month.  We look forward to getting back in the saddle and selling soon.


  1. I can't find those lazy days of summer either! Wish we could have been there for your camping trip. Love you, Lori

  2. P.S. How come I can comment for you and Terry but nobody else?!?! I'm getting tired of blogger not remembering who I am.


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