
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Prize Necklace and a Quilt Project

Did you get to see my new necklace that I WON! ?

Looking this over, it seems pretty obvious that I don't win things very often...

Anyway, back to the necklace. Rachel from:

made this wonderful creation for just me!

It has two circular disks which have "Honey", "Papa" and our anniversary date stamped onto them.
I totally love it. I had my grand daughter take a picture of it while I was wearing it and instructed her to not take it of my chest...
Honey and Papa are what the grandchildren call us and other "adopted" grandchildren also.

You should check out Rachel's blog for yourself and perhaps purchase a necklace for yourself, after all, you may be like me and not win one very often.

And, I won it by commenting at http://allthingsvintage88.blogspot.com/  And, no, she isn't having a giveaway there at this time, but you should haunt, oops! I mean visit her blog often because she has lots of wonderful ideas.

Recently, I have noticed that it is very hard to comment on other people's blogs, is this only for me? One of my fellow bloggers thought the world had ended and she was the only one left and was all alone...

I am happy to say that I have finished another quilt project, this time for a wedding gift.

The young lady that this one goes to likes "modern" and purple and black. I hope that she can find a place in her new home for this lap size one. The colors don't look true to me here, they almost look blue...

Does anyone want to tell me how to "imbed" a link to another site when you are blogging? I know I can write it out, some have this neat linky thing -- you know, press here (on a word) and it takes you to the site you want - like if I wanted to share another blogger or such.... Any help is appreciated.


  1. I LOVE your necklace! And I did actually go to Rachel's blog and oreder one of her necklaces because I really liked them and I never win anything :)
    Miss you guys!

  2. Hey Helen, great quilt! Okay, to embed a link is really easy, I promise. When you are composing a post, at the top of the compose box you will notice the word link, it is blue I think. When you want to just type the name, or here, go ahead and do that, then highlight that word, then click on the word link, and it will ask you for the html address. That is the website address. The one that starts http://. After you add the address, click okay, and you will see the word highlighted. Thats it! If you need more help, feel free to call!


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