
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

California Coast Field Trip

Our long weekend started on Thursday. We had a wonderful dinner with the folks. Featured was the obligatory turkey and ham. Everything was so delicious. We all played a game after dinner gathered around the large table. Trivia knowledge was key.

On Friday morning, bright and early we started a drive over to the coast. We have been looking forward to this for quite some time. It seems that every once in a while I need an "ocean" fix. We wanted to go through Petaluma to see a little shop that we have heard about called Summer Cottage Antiques. I had the "go ahead" from Mr to look all I wanted and I took my time going through the little shop and the upstairs. There were so many quaint items to see. The owner, who we wanted to meet face to face, was not in that day (bummer), but we enjoyed meeting the staff. Another shop around the corner caught our eye and we went inside - Sienna - This was more of a purist store - 3 stories of genuine, actual antiques. WOW. We deal with antiques, but these were the REAL deal, and if anything had been changed, painted over, repaired, etc, then it was not considered - not even. It was a real eye opener, because of the prices. I guess we tend to think more practical - can it be used? rather than admired for its beauty.

On the road again, our destination was Fort Bragg, CA. It is a quaint little town on the coast and we heard a native say that the prices for things are about par for those in Alaska. I can see how that is so, there is just no easy way to get there without going through a lot of winding roads. Even so, I love the town, about 10 blocks by 10 blocks, with the majority of the economy relying on tourism to keep it afloat. My roots go back here as my mother was born in a town 15 miles north, my grandfather was a logger and my grandmother ran the "camp" kitchen for a logging crew. Maybe that's why I need a little salt air now and then...

We stayed in a motel that was right on the bluff with walking trails out to the point. Right behind  our room we started walking and saw this

Right in the side yard of a house was a herd of around 8 deer, grazing and keeping one eye on us the same time.
Around the point, we saw this
This is part of the harbor area and it looks like the tide was up.
At the end of the trail, where we turned around to come back, we/I, went out the the edge and looked around the corner - Mr asked me nicely to come back to the trail...
Looks like I just might move in, right there, waiting for me (right!)

Stay tuned for more "adventures" in the wild west coast of California.


  1. makes me a little nostalgic! I miss the CA coast, the east coast is different, and the Atlantic is different. I miss the smell of the Pacific. Can you believe that you can't even smell the Atlantic till your in it? I miss that salty seaweed smell!


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