
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pumpkin Farm - For Young and Old Alike

Last month the pumpkin farm in the area was still open

So, on a Sunday afternoon, we loaded up and took a visit.

To Bishop's Pumpkin Farm

We had our 80 year old friend (and his wife)

and we had our youngest friend (a little over a year)

We also had visitors from as far away as Newfoundland
And other older friends, too

They had a "petting" area and the youngsters enjoyed going in and brushing the goats and sheep

Some did not know what to make of it all

An exhausted mother takes a break from all the attention
While some others visited
A big sister gives treats to her younger brothers

And two special friends hang out together

We had a beautiful day and ended it all with a few treats like these


  1. That looked like so much fun. Thanks for posting the pics of different ones there. Sonja


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