
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sacramento Antique Faire

Tomorrow we are going to go to downtown Sacramento
or, "Downtown"
as we call it.

It was the first of the shows that we now go to.

It almost seems like going home.

We know how to pack
what to take
who we will see
just generally, what to expect.

I expect to see "Paul"
my contact that buys watches that I pick up
(if they are the right ones)

I may see "Edward"
who buys silver and gold
(if I have any)

I will probably see Terry and Barb.
A couple that we have made friends with.
They were dealers many years ago
before Terry's MS got his mobility attached to a motorized chair.

We will see other dealers that sometimes buy from us
but will probably just stop by for a quick visit.

There are our neighbors to our right that come
from Reno and spend the night
(or what is left of it)
in their van next to our space.
I hope we are not too loud in our unloading
to wake them up at 3:30 am...

We say hi to our neighbors on the left when they
arrive around 5am. They are also from Reno.

The couple across the way always has a friendly
smile and chat ready for us.

They ladies also across the way sell vintage
linens, quilts, doilies and other things that make me drool.

If I stand on my tip-toes, I can sometimes
see my daughter and son-in-law
and their business partners in their space.space.
I even have a grandchild visit for a little while.
They always have amazing wares to sell.

And, now, I must "hit the hay" to get some sleep.
As 2am comes very early around here.

Good night, dear hearts.


  1. Hope your sale went really good! I can't believe you get up that early! Yikes, I believe that is called dedication!

  2. Thanks for the kind thoughts. I will have you know that Mondays are kinda slow and easy, we don't have a 9-5 job to go to, so it all works out.

  3. Ahhhh, that makes me miss you all so bad! I had such a great time at that show with you all last year! Time flies!

  4. Thanks for coming by my booth Helen! It was nice seeing a friendly face for my first time in Sacramento. Hope you had great sales.

    Warm hugs,


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