
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yard Sale Time

A Yard Sale in the Making

We have an over abundance of inventory

So, we are having a yard sale in hopes of reclaiming portions of our home

We will have items that are ready for resale

Items that need a little TLC for those that 
are inspired by creating their own looks

Items that are collectible in their own right

All in all, we want to 
clean out
reclaim lost areas

so I will be very busy these next few days


  1. Ahhh...One of my favorite thing to do. Wish I was there.

  2. I shared this on my Facebook page. It might help to spread the word. Do you have a date and address posted? Terry

  3. Do you mind if I bring some things over?

  4. Oooo, sounds like my kind of sale! Wish I could come!!!! I hope it goes really great and you sell out!


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