
Monday, January 23, 2012

So many projects - so little time

On my list of things to do

1. Make baby receiving blankets for about 4 young ladies who are expecting new arrivals.
(I have one cut and pinned)
(that one is finished - mailed, well not yet...)
2. Start a quilt I have cut out for a friend
(I'm having such a time with the design, I had to call in--
My Own Personal Design Team
(aka: my daughters)
3. Finish a rug I am making
(her birthday already came and passed - sigh)
4. Clean off the spare bed
(it is my "design table" for my sewing projects)
5. Finish my unending pile of ironing
6. Cover some cloth bags with some fabric scraps in a random pattern
7. Make some really yummy almond roca candy
(that I really want to make, but will not, no, will not be eating)
8. Finish a mini quilt that I have started
9. Start some fabric flower pins

And, the most important, yet pressing item on my list...

that need to be in by the 31st
(I'm happy to say "check" on that one)

I have worked off and on with those numbers and they just won't balance in the right places.
I have a friend that will help me tomorrow.
So, til then, I will just sit here and contemplate

What would I do if I had all these done?


  1. Sounds like my to do list!! I really want to start on Tara's quilt but I told myself I had to finish my todo list first! Sigh, I hate todo lists sometimes, they take all the fun away. :)

  2. Ouch. That's a pretty hefty list. I got started on mine today. Felt good.

  3. I will do your ironing for you... I LOVE to iron! I promise that on my To Do list is to write you a real letter instead of just commenting on your blog :-)

    Miss you!

  4. I thought the never-ending ironing quit after the kids were raised!!! Is there no balm in Gilead?!?! I like to make to-do lists, too, but sometimes I will get something done that was not on the immediate list. Then I have to remember to write it down and cross it off!! I think of "Frog and Toad" when I do it :)


    1. Good old "Frog and Toad"! We love those books. My kids have a tape of their stories that is so fun to listen to.

    2. Dream on about not having ironing...I play the game of adding things to my list so I can cross them off! That way I feel accomplished, even if I didn't accomplish much. I love the Frog and Toad stories.

    3. Oh! I LOVE Frog and Toad! They were my favorite next to Go Dog Go! :-)


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