
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Call-out for Help on Some Ironstone

Well, it's like this

I have these six ironstone tumblers/glasses

They are around 4 1/2" high

They are made by Royal Crownford and Arthur Wood


I cannot find them in any of my reference books
not on the internet

I have never seen them before, anywhere...
(does that make them rare?)

Does anyone have any information to give me a clue as to how to price them?

When I look in my reference books, the price they give is the highest price
that an item has sold for... so, I usually half that and arrive at a somewhat price.

If you have seen any, or know where I can look, please, please let me know.



  1. have you tried ebay? or etsy? they might give you an idea. I know there are a couple of websites that carry old china, and will find old china for you. You can usually find rare stuff on their sites and they give you prices. don't know if that is a help or not!!

    1. Thank you Melissa, you always come through with a helpful suggestion. I will keep looking or keep them!

  2. I'm familiar with Royal Crownford, but not sure of the value of these. I do love the plain white ironstone, though.

  3. If you want to sell them, l may be interested:)

    1. I do want to sell them. I am just having a time figuring out a fair price for them. Where are you located? What about shipping? etc...


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