
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spinach Torte

We, as in our small group of Christians that meet together here regularly,
fell heir to about a gallon of spaghetti sauce.
It was left-over from a recent 'camp' meeting that we all enjoyed.

So, we got it out and planned a meal together.
Someone would bring sausage to put in the sauce.
Another would bring a large green salad,
and still another would bring the french bread.
With, of course, plenty of desserts and cold drinks.

In our family, it has been a 'sorta tradition' that we have
Spinach Torte with our spaghetti.

The aroma of it cooking will drive you crazy.
That is crazy to eat it.
Walking by an Italian eatery and having the aromas of
Garlic, Onions, Parmesan Cheese and Warm Bread
Waft over you, and you have an idea of this mouth watering combination.

Put a dollop of red sauce over the mound on your plate.
Cut into it with your fork and let your senses sing.

When Mr was a service-man years ago, he entered a home to do his job there 
and this was baking. He promptly asked for the recipe and we have never been sorry.

Be sure to try it and give me your feedback.

Spinach Torte

In a bowl combine:
1 package frozen spinach (drained)
1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese
4-5 slices of bread, broken up (use up that bread in the bread box)

In your blender combine:
1 Cup milk
1/3 Cup olive oil
6 eggs
3-5 cloves of garlic (don't skimp on this!)
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 onion
Salt and Pepper - about 1 tsp each

Arrange your spinach, cheese and bread in a greased 9 x 13" casserole dish
Pour the liquefied mixture over it and bake at 350' for 35 minutes or until brown.

So easy, so good.
Simple ingredients
The "hardest part", cutting the bread into cubes. You could use bread cubes for stuffing.
The bread, spinach and cheese combined in a dish.
When blending onions, I have found that quartering them is easier on the blender.
Think bread pudding texture with an Italian seasoning attitude.

Be sure to tell me what you think.


  1. sounds yummy!! I think I will have to give it a try! thanks!!

  2. It is really easy, the aromas alone are worth a try. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Oohhh... I've been thinking about this. Thanks for the recipe!


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