
Monday, February 13, 2012

Fabric Exchange - My Project and a Gift for a Friend

I think I mentioned a while back that I had participated in a fabric exchange with a few ladies in May.

Well, one of the ladies made up her quilt and it was so beautiful, 

that I decided I had to start working on my fabrics.

We were to all bring 6 different fabrics, cut into 6 inch squares
and enough for all the participants.
We had some that were not able to participate, so we each ended up
with about 70 squares.

I took mine and tried to sort them according to color.

I also had to chose a background color and had the choices of
black, tan, or cream. I went with the cream.

I cut them into 5 1/2" squares (to make them all the same size)
And then I sewed them into half-square triangles.
I thought of a zig-zag pattern,
but, it was way too crazy, then I paired them to look like chevrons
It still wasn't right

then I thought, maybe just squares
I took several pictures and emailed them all to my design team
aka: my daughters.
After hearing their suggestions on color placement,
I came up with this
I also decided to add a border and them more smaller half chevrons.
This is how it turned out with the borders and binding.
A smaller chevron strip on the back with the label.

Then on to the quilting. I echoed the chevron pattern in the print areas and
did a vine in the cream areas. 
It was my first time using a method that a friend told me about. (Thanks Nancy)
You can read about it here.

It is a way that you don't drop the feed dogs... but read up on it.

I need to practice like crazy to be able to do it really good. But I couldn't resist trying it out.

I hope my friend likes it as much as I do.
Happy Birthday (late as usual) G.

Now I need to finish a rug for another friend's Jan birthday. 
Nothing like being late to the party, huh?


  1. Great quilt for the squares you received!

    Visiting from QuiltStory's link-up!


  2. Wow it's so pretty! Really like the borders.

  3. Helen,
    I love the quilt and it looks to me like the new quilting way worked great for you.

  4. I love it! I am going to have to check out that new method, it sounds like what I need for LM's quilt! Seeing your chevron quilt makes me want to start on mine!!

    1. It was great Melissa. I didn't have to do a whole lot of reprogramming the machine if I needed to stitch something up when I was quilting. Your mom shared with me the method. I really, really need to practice more for it to be good, tho. Can't wait to see what you have up for Miss Monkey.

  5. I love the way this quilt turned out! The way you finished it off with the border and binding was the just the touch it needed. G will love it!


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