
Thursday, February 9, 2012

25 Things You Never Needed to Know...

25 Things about myself? Am I limited to only 25? You would be so bored to read all of them.

1. I am a Christian, I love the Lord Jesus Christ and I want Him to shine through in all that I do.

2. I am a clutter-bug. I keep things that don't need keeping, but will maybe someday use.

3. I love lists. Especially when I get to cross things off of them, so satisfying.

4. I dislike ironing, but I like ironed clothing...

5. I am really shy, but I try to work at being more open.

6. I am a queen of procrastination - or at the least, a 'lady in waiting'.

7. I love pastels, and solids, and prints and fabric.

8. I may win "the one who dies with the most fabric wins" contest.

9. I have so many projects floating around in my head that it is hard to chose which one to work on, and sometimes I have lots of projects in the works.

10. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes.

11. It is a rare time when my hands and feet are warm.

12. I love bread, toast, biscuits, muffins, but I haven't had any grains for 2012.

13. I am an antique dealer and I have no idea how that happened.

14. I will go out of my way to avoid confrontation.

15. Coffee with creamer is probably, hands down, my favorite drink.

16. Chocolate calls me often, but I don't always answer.

17. I love history and often make up stories in my head about items, people and places that I see.

18. People watching is another sport that makes me wonder at times if I am sane.

19. I am bad with names and faces, but my husband makes up for it, he remembers for me.

20. I cannot swim.

21. Old age is looking younger and younger all the time.

22. I love to make quilts.

23. It's hard for me to say 'no'.

24. My home - living area, bedroom and like are a combination of yard sale, thrift finds, with a few nice items thrown in.

25. I can count on both hands (probably less) the new items of furniture we have bought in 40 years of marriage.

Linking up here


  1. The idea of a 'lady in waiting' of procrastination made me laugh so hard I was afraid I was going to wake my son.

  2. That was so neat to read! I feel like I "chat" with you through our blogs some, but I am looking forward to coming out there and hopefully get to know you more! It actually sounds like we are a lot a like! :-) Thanks for sharing! Maybe I should do something like that sometime! :-) See you in 8 days!

  3. Coffee with creamer is probably my favorite drink ever. Bonus - you get warm hands while you drink it. For the feet you need some fabulous slippers. ;) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Katie, I have wonderful slippers, but I sometimes need to wear socks with them and even so... I have been limiting myself to one cup of coffee a day without the creamer -- oh, how I miss it. On a special diet...


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