
Sunday, February 5, 2012

People Watching, One of My Sports

Today we returned from a selling trip to Alameda.  There are tons of people there, I mean thousands, would you believe they have had as many as 12,000 shoppers? And, that is not counting the vendors who are selling... think 800 vendors or more. No kidding. Today was one of those days.

People come from miles and hours around to shop and also sell. Our neighbor today came from Oregon. I have met others from Southern California, Northern California, Nevada, and on some occasions, the Midwest states.

Our shoppers are a mixed lot also. All ages, from many different countries even. Today, I heard Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish, Norwegian and some other languages spoken.

 The sale takes place on an old naval airfield. Imagine how much space it take to land a jet... Well, not quite that much, but many, many acres. It is interesting to see the different transportation our shoppers will use to take their goods back to their cars. And, also to just navigate through the miles, and I mean miles of aisle ways. There are no cars allowed in the shopping area during shopping hours, so I see the usual little shopping carts that fold up and have two wheels. Some have made inside covers for theirs, so that other shoppers will not see the cool find they have hidden down inside. I have seen strollers converted into a vehicle to take garden art to the car while the other parent or older sibling holds the baby.  Small wagons, with built up sides, fat tires and special paint jobs appear from time to time. Rolling suitcases are pressed into use. Today I saw a woman, probably as old as I am (that's old) riding a scooter, another was using her walker (a walker!) to carry her purchases! Some were on crutches (I can't imagine going that far on crutches...) Wheelchair occupants with their own chauffeurs appear and then disappear down the aisle. There are grocery style carts that you can rent for the day, and many take advantage of that. When you have a very large purchase to get to the parking lot (like one of Mr's Farm Style Tables, a giant armoire, a sofa, etc), then you can use a flatbed rolling cart for a specified amount of time to get it to the loading zone.

As different from each other as we can be, there are also different forms of dress, or undress. I saw way too many bosoms today... and it isn't even warm weather! One man had 4 vests on. Another couple or two were very nicely dressed, almost formal. And, of course, there is the usual, or unusual tattoos that abound. It is not uncommon to see whole arms or legs covered entirely.  There was one young lady who had a very conservative black dress, belted at the waist and she looked so sweet until she turned her head and sported a nose ring (the kind you may put on your prize bull)!

I had to inwardly gasp as I saw two ladies walking together, obviously friends and I thought "Friends don't let their friends go out dressed like that!"

I don't want to be judgemental with those I saw. I want to remember to pray for them. I want them to find inward peace that will take the place of the cry from inside that wants to show the world that they are someone. Because, they are in God's sight. He loves them immeasurably and showed it on Calvary.

I marvel that God knows each one of us and calls us by name. He is beyond wonderful.

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