
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blogging Luncheon

Friday, I attended a blog luncheon in the High Hand Nursery buildings. There is a large open area where about 12 - 15 ladies (and one man who remained in the background...;) anyway, we were seated in a large "U" shape with tables and access to power for our laptops. There was a last-minute cancellation and Terry (my daughter) thoughtfully invited me. (I know friends in "high places")

A lovely box lunch was served about midday and there were giveaways, ideas, instructions and general good times. It was hosted by Terry from http://thevintagebricoleur.blogspot.com/. I know, eventually Terry will post pictures from this gathering. See them here.

Connie Spade (a licensed massage therapist and instructor) gave out complimentary 5 minute massages for either our neck or hands. What a treat! Nicole from The Little Blog  took tons of pictures also. Terry suggested that I bring my camera ("as all good bloggers should do"), but when I saw the wonderful machines that some had, I was too shy to even turn it on.

I met so many lovely ladies. There was:

Courtney from
http://frenchcountrycottage.blogspot.com/ was the instructor for this day of blogging tips. She came prepared with a slide show (almost just like what we had in grade school - remember those?) She had some very important tips to share and we all had questions. The main question of the day seemed to be "Why are you blogging? For profit or fulfillment". That was my take on it anyway. Along with tons of information that I need to digest, if I could only read my notes...

I met some other very important people like:

Laurel from
Laurel has some incredible photography pictures that just make you drool with envy.

Melody from
Is a new blogger and may change her name, as when we tried to find her blog, we came up with some other sites that she wasn't too pleased to see. She has so many ideas that she has already tried and taken pictures of, and is ready to share with us. Kim from "Not Too Shabby" wants to come up with a name for Melody, I know it will be a 'doozie' and fit her exactly.

Linda from
Linda had some advice on obtaining your own domain... I have to check it out.

Joy from
A wise woman who has taken her years of decorating and is now sharing with us how to transform our homes. Also so much fun to visit with.

Paula from
Paula's blog is about her farm, and the wonderful produce, like vegetables, fruits and chickens and eggs that the farm produces - with her help, of course!

Kim from
has a blog that showcases her vintage art styles. She uses western, laces and vintage finds to highlight her art.

Kim from
Kim is part owner of the store "Not Too Shabby" in Folsom, CA with Bobbi. They are right on "Antique Street" - not really - but right there with all the good stores in Folsom. Visit her blog and see what they have going.

Ellie from
Ah, another wonderful vintage treasure chest for decorating, and such.

Jonelle from
Whoa! she caught me right between the eyes with the first few words...

Beth from
 thedailyparagraph.com (I did get an email from Beth with the correct address - Horray!) this should take you directly to her blog this time...

Nicole from
she has an awesome picture sense - her photos of people and places make you want to see more

Lynne and Lauren who, from what I understood, don't have a blog yet... but want to.

and, I'm ashamed to admit, more that I didn't interact with to get their blog addresses.

If you have time, and I say you must make time, visit these blogs and see what they have going. I have visited them all and want to return and explore more.



  1. Hi Helen;
    It was so nice meeting you on Friday and your blog about everyone is so sweet. Thank you for that. Can't wait till next time. I'm a new follower. :)

  2. Hi Helen,
    I have been to your blog before several times. I'm a quilter and sewer too so I enjoy many of your posts very much. It was great meeting you and everyone at the blogger luncheon. I look forward to following everyone's blogs and learning more about blogging at our next get together.

  3. Beth@thedailyparagraphJuly 2, 2012 at 1:30 AM

    Hi Helen,
    You didn't get my correct blog address. It's just thedailyparagraph.com

    Maybe if you get a chance, you can change it in your blog.

    Had a good time Friday at the luncheon.

  4. Wonderful post Helen about the Blogger's luncheon. Hope to visit again.

  5. Hi Helen,

    If ever there is another event like this please let me know! I'd be very interested...

    Hope all is well with you. I'm pretty busy - blessed with lots to do!

    Warm hugs,



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