
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Revamping a Design, WIP

Awhile back, here...

I wanted to make a jelly roll, quick fix quilt...

Well, after it was all sewed together with the fabric

I didn't like it.

I tried to like it.

I turned it this way

I turned it that way.

I folded it up and hid it from view.

It just grated against some nerve or something.

I decided to make it up and sell it.

I couldn't even do that.

So, I got it out again and looked it over.

I decided that if I took out some prints I could live with it.
(why do I have that gene that won't let me just throw stuff away?)
I didn't pay full price for the fabric, I probably got it at a yard sale...

This is what I ended up with.
I kinda like it now, I know fickle women...

I still need to find some kind of backing and I think I may put on a border if it suits me.
But, that is what is going on around here.

How is your day going?


  1. I like the change, and a border will help to finish it off.

  2. Looks good. I have a "few" quilts in the making. Well, at least cut out but not started. I just had to drive an hour away to pick up my sewing machine that was in for repair. We don't have a Bernina dealer any closer than that. Boo. Anyway, it ended up being an easier repair thus a cheaper repair. Yay! Got to get a few gifts made before our weekend trip to O.K.

  3. Hello Helen, so very nice to meet you today at the Blogger's luncheon. It was great fun meeting fellow local bloggers. I am your newest follower. Enjoy the week-end. Linda


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