
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Deck of Excuse Cards

I have been shuffling through my deck of excuse cards and they all look pretty rough around the edges because I have been using them alot.

The reasons I haven't blogged for a while are pretty thin,

well, really thin.

* There was the milestone birthday
*The kids are coming and we need to paint
*The rooms are empty because we are painting -- so let's get the carpets cleaned
*It's child #1's 40th birthday
*Shows, shows, shows
*I am really tired today
*My allergies (which I didn't have until this year) are really bad
*Our anniversary
*The vacation trip

Oh yes, I have been busy, but I haven't shared with you all recently.
Hopefully I will catch you up with some pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see it's all good things that are keeping you busy! We have to take time for the most important things and for me, blogging takes backseat a lot, too. :) Enjoy your summer and don't work too hard!


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