
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vintage Country Flea Market in Willows

A couple of times a year we are invited to bring our wares to a show
here and there.

Last weekend we were invited to go to the
Vintage Country Flea Market in Willows, CA

It is put on by a local store
Gathering Better Junque
(what a name, huh?)

At first, it was pretty much the same type of things we sell.
This last weekend there were
vendors that out-did themselves in their marketing skills.

We are no way in their league.

I think we got invited because we are sort of "grandfathered" in.
You know, be nice to the old ones.
They may be useful later on.

Warning, this is a picture heavy post,
so get a cup of joe or tea and settle in.
Some were still scurrying around, putting last minute touches on their creations at 7 am.

Most of these booths were created in about a 12 x 12 area

Vintage clothing

I thought this was interesting, a crow's nest. Just think how long it took to collect all of this stuff.

Red Door

Old Soul Studios
The ideas these vendors came up with were out of this world.

Willow Nest
A lot of premier dealers that sell at the most exclusive shows

creative use of buntings, draperies, burlap, etc

The Olive and Rose

Check out those cowboy boots, the top is turned down, inside out...

Sweet Silver was there too

Love those baseballs in that basket

The Gypsy Crow

Home Spun

A local bakery had lunch for sale.
I had a delicious pulled pork sandwich, yum.
Redwood Garden Gals
The homeowner even got into the act and had a space.

In the fall, there will be another show put on by these store owners.
The home where this one was held is up for sale, though.
I kinda hope that the new place is as beautiful as this one.

For more information and much better photos, go to

1 comment:

  1. Helen,
    It is our pleasure to have you and Mr Bustos join us for Vintage Country Flea Market. We wouldn't have it any other way! We love your company and your treasures are wonderful! It's YOUR SHOW!
    Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pictures! I will share them on over to FB! Mark your calendar for October 19th... we are going to do it again!
    So BRING IT "Old Friends"! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAW!


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