Friday, July 19, 2013

Annual Apple Night at the Homestead

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Annual Apple Night

It was that time again.
Apples from our small orchard were dropping,
and dropping,

well, you get the picture.

So, we invited all the friends we have in the world over
(not really, it just sounds fun to say that)

And, they peeled, juiced and otherwise had a fun time
making apple filling for pies.

Our elderly couple supervised

One young fella ate apple peelings like he would spaghetti

He certainly kept us entertained.
I wonder how his stomach felt after a while.

The kids had a rousing game of capture the flag,
a birthday celebration for a 12 year old,
and a fun night for all.

Many hands make light work.

Thanks to you all.

There are still apples out there, if you are interested....

P.S. I couldn't have done it alone without the help of my daughter,
she is, by far, the BEST organizer.