
Friday, December 30, 2011

Plate Transfer Project

I know a selfless, giving lady, or rather two ladies
that put together a project for some children to do at a camp meeting we had.

The children color a traced picture on some special paper
color it in.
Put their names on it if they wish
and it is sent in to a company that takes the colored paper
and transfers it onto the plate.

It has been very popular with the children for years
Some families have plates that date way back to other camps.

Here are a few snapshots of our project day.
Some decided that they wanted their own design instead of using a traced image.
Some others were very elaborate
Moms helped
Some dads helped
And pretty much the whole family got involved
Concentration was the key
The designs could be anything you wanted
Even grandmothers tried it
This young lady was waiting patiently for a certain color marker
As with any successful enterprise, these young ladies helped
with the business end of labeling and taking payments.

More of the designs chosen. I didn't get pictures of all of them, their were
far too many, and they were all outstanding.
This is my granddaughter with her finished design.

Thanks to those who chose this project to keep
memories alive of this camp.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fabric Exchange Outcome

Last May, at the "Barn Camp", we had a fabric exchange with  few ladies. It was a trial run, so to speak on how we could exchange fabric and then use it. Anyway, we were to bring six different fabrics, cut into 6 inch squares, enough for ten people. Well, to make a long story short, there were five of us that actually participated, so we each got double what we would have gotten.

Someone mentioned that we should complete something with the fabric and then bring it to the next time we were together. Only one of us did it. And the grand prize goes to Brenda.

Here is the quilt that she made from our squares.
I love how each one is "highlighted" in a star. She pieces the quilt on the machine and then hand quilts it all.

Here is our had worker. I think she did a beautiful job. She isn't thrilled with the completed project, but wants to donate it to a woman's shelter. Isn't that selfless?
This is the detail of the quilting on the edge. I think I will steal this idea and try to do it with my machine, perhaps the next one that needs doing.

I now have my squares laid out on a table with some ideas floating around in my head. I think I want to do a zig zag pattern, like here ... only different. You use squares, lay them right sides together on the background fabric, sew them corner to corner and then cut them corner to corner. You end up with two triangles sewed together and the way you lay them out makes a zig zag. Anyway, if it happens, I will take some pictures.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Giveaway Alert for Thirty-one Bags

Don't forget the great deal I am having on the Thirty-one bags over at my previous posting. You really should check out what is offered in the catalog and order. These bags are of high quality and I have been impressed with every one that I have seen.

Look here.

I am giving away $7 towards your purchase in the catalog to the first five who order from my blog. You chose how you want to use it, towards your order, for shipping, personalization... your choice. This offer is only good until January 1st, so hurry on over and see what you can order.

See you there...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good News for Those Who Want Thirty-one Bags With a Giveaway

Have you seen the thirty-one bags? 
Thirty-One Gifts Home

They cover every possibility of life where you can use a tote, cosmetic bag, organizer, carry-all, etc. And, they are not limited to female use. There is also a line with ideas for the men in your life. I have a large tote that goes with me every show that we do and I wouldn't trade it - nah, nope, nunha. It is tall enough to hold my hot water thermos, first aid kit, packaged soups, instant coffee/creamer/sweetener container, extra gloves, a hat, lighter for the propane heater and a lot more. It stays packed and ready for the next show and I really need, make that want more bags for other uses.

You can see their products here. Go to the catalog and see what they have to offer.

This month's special is Thirty-One's most popular item- Zip top Thermal Tote and *New* Cinch Top Thermal Tote. They are each $5 off their original price. Check it out!

Now, here is the thing. I am having a catalog party of my own.  There is nothing for you to attend, just look through the catalog and contact me with your order, I would also need your zip code to figure tax and shipping costs.  If you want it shipped directly to you, there is a small $4 charge over and above the usual shipping, but then you get it and I don't have to find you... you can also personalize items with names, favorite phrases, initials, etc for a small fee -- check the online catalog.

I am having my online blogging party until January 1st, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Those of you who lurk, I mean follow secretly in the California area, I will have the catalogs with me when we meet together this weekend. If you already know what you want in advance, it will not take away from our time of fellowship.

Now, for the part that you really, really wanted to read... For the first 5 orders that I take through this blog, I will give you a $7 gift from the catalog. You choose, you can use it towards one of those cute smaller bags, or apply it to your own order, or perhaps you want to use it to personalize your bag.

Contact me (look at the top of the blog for the email information) with the bag you want and give me your email information since orders must go through a consultant. We will figure out the cost for you by zip code, and if you are one of the first 5, you will receive the special gift of $7 towards your purchase order.

If you want to book your own catalog party, that can be done also. It is so easy, my consultant will mail you the books, order forms and other information. You contact those who you think may be interested and there you have it. There are free gifts/stuff associated with having a party.

Disclaimer: if you are a Thirty-one consultant, I am not trying to take away your loyal customers, just trying to give an opportunity to those that would like to order.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Quilt Finished

I am quite excited about finishing this quilt.  It has been a long time in the making, just because I couldn't decide where it was going. I asked advice from you all and took it all in. My design consultant... aka daughter helped me make the final decision and then it flew to the finish. Sometimes I have no idea where a design or fabric will take me when I start a project.

I purchased the printed panel on a trip to a quilt store in Grandbury, Texas last fall with a dear friend and it (the fabric, not the friend) has been hanging around waiting for me to do something with it. It had the four squares and the larger panel and I cut them apart and added more fabric to make it larger. As it stands now, it is just a little larger than lap size, unless, of course, you have a large lap, then it is just right. Or, if you wanted to have two laps under it, then it will do. After I washed and dried it, it is as soft as a baby blanket.

The backing border print fabric I purchased with the same friend at a different time when we took a trip to southern California a few years back. Somehow these fabrics needed to be paired.

I am so glad that this is finished. Do you have projects that take up "space" in your mind??? Or, maybe I'm the only one... Anyway, I plan of giving this to a couple for a wedding gift -- they have been married for a while now... is it still OK to gift them? I hope so.

Now, I have fabric that is waiting for me for another quilt, for another couple...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Have You Heard About the "31" Giveaway?

Be sure to go to


and Check Out their great giveaway for a "31" tote bag.

I love these bags and I am entering and you should too.

I take them to shows and if I had more bags, they would be used everywhere.

Anyway, go on over and be sure to enter.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Give Me Your Advice

I have been working (well, that is a lose term...) on this lap size quilt top for just about forever. I have had the idea since I got the fabric panel well over a year ago. I would get it out, work for a while, tear what I did apart, put it away, get it out again, over and over. I need your help now.

I cut apart the panel into the larger piece on the right and the smaller squares on the left.

My daughter-in-law helped me decide to place the smaller squares on the side with bordered squares around them. I then had to make the larger panel fit the size of the row of smaller squares. It needed more dark color, so I went with the dark green around it, but then the smaller square panel needed a border 
(will this ever end???)

OK, enough of confusing you...

Here is the question, should I take off the black border on the left? Should it be green?

should I leave well-enough alone?

At this point I was ready to just sandwich the thing and be done,
but then
I thought of you... and your ideas.

Do you have any advice for me?

By the way, I was planning on giving it as a wedding gift to a couple that I know. They have been married for over a year already, so I am a little late... (only just a little?)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tips and Suggestions 105 Making Friends With Other Vendors

Your neighbor at a show may be one of your best friends. Not the one you have coffee with and talk about how your mother-in-law makes pecan pie, but the one you want to help keep an eye on your things when you need to run to the rest room, or get a bite to eat, or make change of $100 bill. Keeping a friendly, but professional outlook is good. They are the ones that may notice that lady putting a little something extra in her purse. Or, they may give you a lead on someone to talk to about what you sell.

When you rent a space, normally you have a designated area, say a 10 x 10, or 15 x 20. Lines are drawn, sort of. Maybe only at the corners. Anyway, you want to keep your neighbors happy with you. Be courteous and not crowd their area. Make sure your hanging quilt doesn't blow into their valuable glassware. Common sense goes a long way here. We had one "crabby little lady" tell us that we were "over the line" at one show. (we had probably - by an inch or so!) We moved our tables over, trying to be cheerful. That was a long day. The next show she was very nice! "A soft answer turns away wrath". Who knows what was going on in her life that day? A family disturbance?... car troubles?... just not happy with herself?... Whatever, we are examples every day of our life of Jesus Christ and I, for one, want to be a good example.

As we collect, buy things for shows, we keep in mind that the vendor across the way sells lamps, or the one on the corner sells vintage hardware, or that lady has vintage linens. Sometimes we buy what we find and trade or sell it to the other vendors for a small profit. We don't do anything to it, just collect it for them. It makes for a friendly relationship and they may do the same for you from time to time.

When I say make friends, I am not talking about hanging out, going to their BBQ's, or getting involved in their lives. I just want to make it pleasant for those around me to do their business and I do mine.

Do you have questions that I could perhaps answer?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tips and Suggestions 104 What Price Should I Ask for It?

How to price items is always hard to figure out.

It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

You may have in incredible product, but if no one is interested enough to buy it, then it is worthless. Try to figure out what you have in the product and triple it to get a a "rule of thumb" price. That will give you what you paid for supplies and some for your effort. Labor is hard to figure out, just know that you will never be paid what your true value is.

Take for example, a nightstand. You paid $15 for it at a yard sale. You took it home, spent 3 hours on it sanding, patching the side (maybe it had a boo boo) went down to Home Depot and got some paint, put two coats of paint on it, then a clear coat, you decided it needed a different handle/pull. Say you had all of the paint, patch stuff, clear coat and different pull right there and didn't have to buy them -- Can you get $45 out of it?  Perhaps if it is an outstanding design, but probably not. (at least not here) So, consider what you have to pay for the item before you put a lot of work into it.

I sell vintage jewelry. Most of the time I can pick up pieces for $1 - $5 each. I can usually turn around and sell them for $20 - $35 each if they are in good usable shape.  So, for a small outlay, I can make more than triple my money, but, a lot of times they go to many, many shows before someone wants to take them home. Again, unique sells. The newer stuff that you can get at the corner discount store is what everyone can have, they want something that is in good shape and is not what everyone else is wearing. I try to buy in bulk... make a pile at a yard sale, good, not so usable, etc and pay one price. The best stuff goes in an old silverware box (easy to carry around) the other goes in a $1 bin for bits and pieces (sometimes I bundle the $1 stuff up into baggies and sell them for $1) I also have a box that says "Anything here for $5 each". Most people will have $5 - $20 to spend.

If you are into picking up real collectibles, then a price guide is handy. There are several out there and I got my first one about 11 years ago. I haven't updated it since. You can find almost everything made to man in it. If I find what I am looking for I keep in mind that the price quoted is the highest paid price for an item like it sold for. In other words, if it is a colored glass paper weight that is made by the XYZ company, and you have one just like it, then take the price to be the most anyone has ever paid for it. I usually take half for my price. Like if it was $50, then I price it for $25 or less. If the person buying it knows what it is, they want a deal, you want to make money (beware of paying too much for it in the first place) and if they resell it, they want to make money too.  It boggles my mind at all the things people collect. To be a purist, if it is 100 years old or more, then it is an antique, but you see people advertising their things - such as "Antique Pyrex" - a mis-statement. Pyrex hasn't been around for 100 years, but it is very collectible. You won't find prices for it in the price guides, so...

Look at your competition's prices. Price your items a little lower, even a $1 or $2 will be noticed. Sets of anything bring more than a single item, if they are a complete set. Condition matters also. If you have brought an item to many sales and it is not selling, lower your price, each time you transport it there is a chance of breakage and you lose money.

Be prepared to haggle. In some cultures it is an insult to pay the asking price. We Americans are not so much, but I am finding that more and more people like to make an offer and expect you to counter. Take into account that hauling the stuff around that we talked about earlier if you want to make a sale. And, some things are just loss-leaders - you get the people there to see what you have and they may buy something else.

Provide a bag for your customers. There are plenty of plastic bags with the handles that come from grocery stores to wrap up something. Tissue paper is a nice touch if you think of it included in your price. Even newsprint (without the printing on it) can be had from a local printing plant. It comes on a roll and is easy to take with you.

Now, all this applies to those things that are not incredibly valuable. You may find something that is really worth quite a lot - it happens, but not real often. In those cases, the chances of someone coming around to pay what it is worth is not real good. Take it to a dealer who will pay you somewhat of its worth, but if they sell it, they want to make money on it also.

Coming up... Making Friends with other Vendors

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tips for Shows and Sales 103 What to Bring Practically Speaking


When we go to a sale, we are there all day (sometimes the early dark day). I want to take what will be needed or anticipated so that I will have a good day.

 Food  I don't know of anyone that can go for 12 hours or more and not eat. But then, food is an important part of my life...  There has always been food for sale at the shows I have been to. You may decide to purchase food that is available there. (I don't judge you, what works for me, may not work for you. You will have to leave your space and goods, (not such a big thing if you have someone to watch your space) walk a little bit to find what is available, pay more for it than you want, and the choices may be to your liking or not. Most of the time I take things for breakfast, snacks, lunch and sometimes something to eat/drink when I get back into the car after packing up. Sometimes we "splurge" and get an incredible sausage sandwich at one of our shows. It has been worth every penny, every time.

Breakfast - a couple of sweet rolls for Mr. I package them ahead, freeze them and grab them for the bag. Instant Oatmeal - I know, it is probably not really as good for you as the real thing, but we are talking convenience here. We use yogurt on our oatmeal, so a small container will do both of us, or I sometimes put enough in a small plastic w/lid to put on it. Brown sugar - ditto. Fruit - apples, bananas, grapes, etc. We may eat this really early, after we have unpacked.

Snack- I take a couple of peanut butter & jam sandwiches for Mr (it can be done ahead and not be too yucky to eat later), also celery, small peppers, cheese and bread or crackers, granola bars, etc.

Lunch  - A chicken sandwich (I have learned that you can get small packages of mayo or mustard at grocery stores and add them when you eat) salads, more fruit, perhaps some cookies, sweet bread, etc.There are brands of soups that just have you add hot water and wait. They don't always reconstitute right, but they are a hot meal - sorta.  A drink is something I always enjoy when we are getting in the car to leave.

This sounds like a portable restaurant, doesn't it?  Well, here is a secret - some of this is already packed for the next sale.

  • granola bars
  • instant oatmeal
  • brown sugar
  • instant coffee (via from Starbucks)
  • tea bags
  • instant soup in packages
  • sweet rolls in the freezer
  • sometimes the fruit bread in the freezer
I make our lunch stuff the day before and refrigerate it, ready to grab in the early morning hour. I always take hot water in a thermos. It is used for oatmeal and coffee/tea. I also take a gallon container of just water... Hot days you need it and cold days you may not think you do, but you do.  My Tupperware bowls for oatmeal and plastic spoons, forks, etc are in the bag that holds them for sales. I also have two thermal cups that have lids for our hot/cold drinks. As soon as we come home, they go in the dishwasher and then right back in the bag. That way I know where they are for the next use. I have purchased a "31" bag from a friend and it has been with me for over a year (probably over 35 shows/sales) and shows great promise of going with me for many more shows. It holds a lot of these items and is packed and ready for the next show. If you want more information on where I got mine, just comment and I can put you in contact with my dealer/friend. I have a smallish ice chest that hold our cold things (bigger than lunch size). It is packed the morning of the show.

COMFORT ITEMS  We take our jackets, of course, but a change of shoes can make the day go faster. I have mittens, hot packs (you purchase these in the camping section of the store) extra socks (a great thing if your feet get wet) some hats, etc. (If it is a rainy day - we take a change of clothes for the ride home) I have some fleece throws that are in a container and if needed, we break them out to sit on in our chairs. We have a portable heater, but I prefer to move around and not sit next to the heater when we have customers. (I never like to disturb someone huddled over their heater and I figure that would apply to me if someone saw me doing it) Lanterns - (with matches or lighter) if you are setting up in the dark. They also draw in early customers and make things look so homey.  All of these are standard supplies that are in a container and they just go in with everything else. 

CANOPIES We have two Ez-Up white canopies. We did many a show without them, but now we love them. They are an investment and if you plan on doing only a show here and there, they may be too much of an investment for you. They give your space boundaries. They come with sides and those sides have saved many pieces of furniture from getting wet (beside me not getting wet) We set ours up side by side and it makes a space of 10 x 20 (each are 10 x 10) you can get quite a lot in that area. Depending on what space you have rented out would depend on what you use. You can also hang things from the sides and center supports.

Coming up -- how to price your items

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tips for Shows and Sales 102 Getting In

Tips For Getting into Those Shows

So, you have been to a really cool craft/flea market.  Or, perhaps you went to a widely advertised Antique Market. And you say, "Hey, I could do this". Well, here are a few tips/suggestions for getting there.

1. Have things to sell. I know this sounds really stupid, but if you don't have inventory, then your space will look lost in the whole scheme of things. If you are wanting to sell at a show that specialized in crafts, then you need to have craft inventory. And, a variety works best. It is good to specialize, but the more things you have, the more things your customers will have to look at. Keep in mind that you are there to make money. Sounds so heartless, doesn't it? But, that really is the bottom line. We would be crazy to do all the work on our projects, pack for days, get up in the middle of the night to get there, spend hours unpacking and setting up your space and then give it away.

Be aware of what people are buying. Look in magazines (I'm terrible about doing this) . Look around you. Not everything that people bring to shows sell. We sell about 1/4 - 1/3 of what we bring... but sometimes a person who has seen you before remembers and comes back to get that item. Put your own twist on what you bring. You may get a buyer for something unique - in fact, if they wanted the same thing everyone else has, they would go down to Walmart to get it. Unique sells and if you are dealing in old things -- CLEAN SELLS! I will go over how to price in another blog at a later date.

2. Now that you have things to sell, you need to contact someone who is doing a "show". Look in trade magazines for upcoming shows. Some shows want your information 6 months in advance. (That is hard when your niece is getting married sometime next year and you don't want to hit her weekend.) If you attend shows, ask around for who is in charge, be ready to give information as to who you are, what you sell, and contact numbers. Another way is to look online for shows in your area. If you have to travel all day to get there, get a room for the night and spend another day coming home, you better make big bucks to cover your expenses.

3. Take pictures of your product. Lots of times I am asked for pictures of what we sell. A picture tells it all. Arrange your items attractively, take some pictures, close-ups are good, and be ready with these. You can offer to email them to your prospective venue.

4. Network. It has been amazing to me to watch one of my daughters work her small business. She knows people, their names, where they sell, and it has paid off for her. A bright smile closes many a deal. She is now selling in one of the biggest, widely publicized markets in the mid-California area and everyone know "my daughter". Check out this site http://remnantsofthepast.com/  Look at the video and sigh... But then, keep in mind that these are experts, they have had a lot of years in the training and most of them are just crazy talented. This is way out of my league, but I can admire.

Back next time to talk about things that I take...practically speaking.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tips for Shows/Sales 101 The Business End


So, you think you would like to do a sale at a flea market, established venue or whatever. Here are some tips that I have divided into sections for easier reading. Or, perhaps you are killing time until the dentist calls you in for your root canal... whatever

We have been doing shows and sales for about 3-4 years now. Wow! Time is flying by...

Selling at a show, or flea market or well-established venue is not just showing up on the day of the show. That is, unless it is your sister that is putting on the show, or you know someone "in high places". There are a few things that need to be done ahead.

1. In our state, we need a resale permit. (unless you sell maybe once a year) They are free, you just have to go to a website or go in person to fill out a form and go on record that you plan to sell to the public. Here, in California, you are then responsible to file and pay tax on what you sell. Therefore, you need to keep a record of what you sell, how much, etc. It sounds more intimidating then it really is. And, if you sell to another dealer, then you don't have to pay tax on the sale, just report it.

2. I have designed and printed my own tags and business cards since we first started selling in the Trove and since at shows. They are not perfect, just plain old cards with information for someone to contact you if they want. I carry some in my purse and give them out at yard sales if the person looks like they may have some items we can get later. I also have "sold" tags to put on items that sell and we hold until the buyer can come back and pick them up. I am talking about a few hours. If you can hold their items, it leaves their hands free to go on shopping and then they have to return to your space. Sometimes I put their name on the tag and sometimes I just group their items with a SOLD tag.

I have a plastic shoe box (the kind with a lid that snaps on) and in it I have
  • Business Cards
  • Tags for marking prices on items
  • Clear tape - (we used to call it Scotch tape - but I know that is just a brand name)
  • Sold Tags
  • Metal tape Measure
  • Small clip board with a tablet - used to record my sales for tax purposes
  • Receipt book - for those that want a written receipt (dealers usually do)
  • Extra pens
  • Small plastic bags for jewelry sales - I get these at WalMart in the scrapbook area
  • Change pouch - I usually have $35 in change in it - when I count my money at the end, I put back the $35 and I am ready for the next sale.
  • One of those leatherman tool thingys - it has screw driver, knife, pliers, etc all in one
  • I also carry chap stick, super glue and a few other small, small items - you can personalize it for you.
This box goes with me to all sales. I replenish whatever is needed before the next time. It is easy to grab and I know exactly what is where.

Do you have questions that I didn't cover? Let me know...

Well, tune in next time for more Tips - I am going to cover "GETTING IN TO A SHOW"

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More of California Coast

To continue our  getaway...
We have been going to Fort Bragg for just about forever - well, maybe 20-30 years - oh wait, we went there when Terry (Miss Bricoleur) was 6 months old. So, if I do the math - over 38 years!

I feel a part ownership of the place. I look for what has changed since I was there last. The locals are earthy folk who one of my children would term "crunchy". The whole town survives on tourists and what they bring. We toured town, looking for yard sales and found one yard with a few items in it for sale. We struck a deal with the owner on a few items, one of which had to be taken apart before we could fit it in the back of the canopy on our truck. We found a "new" area we had never been to before (and probably won't go back again...)

 One place we seem to always hit is the Skunk Train Museum and mall of little shops that have sprung up around it for the tourists. There is a bevy of small shops that have glass blowing, T-shirts, cookbooks, shells, and local artist creations, along with a local cafe sort of restaurant with a restored steam locomotive in it.

How about these old passenger cars, rotting away? They used to carry travelers to Willits (around 35 miles away, over the river and through the woods).
Tracks that lead out of town.

No trip to Fort Bragg is complete until we visit the Coast True Value Store. You can buy everything from dishes, paint, hardware, electronics, candles, camping equipment and everything in between.
All this housed in a smallish store.
Across Main street is an old Lumber Baron's home turned into a museum
Beautiful stained glass bay window from an upstairs landing.

We hit all the thrift/second hand stores in town and the next. We scored on an old suitcase and green pyrex bowl, although I saw some awesome photos I would have like to have, but they were way, way, too expensive. $35 is too much for my thrifty self.

Mendocino, another small tourist town down the coast a short distance was having a craft/bake sale.
We usually don't go to these, but we had the time and we got several ideas from
other stores in the area. I got a bar of handmade, organic soap, a hair stick, homemade cookies
 and Mr got some apricot jam that will have his name and his only, on it. All, because we wanted the "help" the local economy. We have been on the selling side and know how it is to sit in your booth for long
periods and have people oooh and ah over your things and then they walk away. We couldn't buy everything, but every little bit helps. Besides, a trip to Fort Bragg always includes a Mendocino trip.

We also took in a trip to the Point Cabrillo Light Station.
It is fairly new, only being in use since 1905...
We had a leisurely walk down to the point, with eyes watching us
We crossed a area that is eroding as we speak...
It made a lovely "whomp!" sound every once in a while. Mr had to call me back to the path again!
Of the light keepers houses, two are rentable, and one is a museum. You can rent one of them out for the week for a near $3,000 if you want...

This is the second time we have visited the light station and it is always an enjoyable time.

Well, we stayed until Monday and then it was time to head on home. We talked about how this grandchild would enjoy this or that, how next time we need to..., or how we could bring a "load" up here of smalls and try our luck. All together, we enjoyed our time away, but we are always glad to come home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

California Coast Field Trip

Our long weekend started on Thursday. We had a wonderful dinner with the folks. Featured was the obligatory turkey and ham. Everything was so delicious. We all played a game after dinner gathered around the large table. Trivia knowledge was key.

On Friday morning, bright and early we started a drive over to the coast. We have been looking forward to this for quite some time. It seems that every once in a while I need an "ocean" fix. We wanted to go through Petaluma to see a little shop that we have heard about called Summer Cottage Antiques. I had the "go ahead" from Mr to look all I wanted and I took my time going through the little shop and the upstairs. There were so many quaint items to see. The owner, who we wanted to meet face to face, was not in that day (bummer), but we enjoyed meeting the staff. Another shop around the corner caught our eye and we went inside - Sienna - This was more of a purist store - 3 stories of genuine, actual antiques. WOW. We deal with antiques, but these were the REAL deal, and if anything had been changed, painted over, repaired, etc, then it was not considered - not even. It was a real eye opener, because of the prices. I guess we tend to think more practical - can it be used? rather than admired for its beauty.

On the road again, our destination was Fort Bragg, CA. It is a quaint little town on the coast and we heard a native say that the prices for things are about par for those in Alaska. I can see how that is so, there is just no easy way to get there without going through a lot of winding roads. Even so, I love the town, about 10 blocks by 10 blocks, with the majority of the economy relying on tourism to keep it afloat. My roots go back here as my mother was born in a town 15 miles north, my grandfather was a logger and my grandmother ran the "camp" kitchen for a logging crew. Maybe that's why I need a little salt air now and then...

We stayed in a motel that was right on the bluff with walking trails out to the point. Right behind  our room we started walking and saw this

Right in the side yard of a house was a herd of around 8 deer, grazing and keeping one eye on us the same time.
Around the point, we saw this
This is part of the harbor area and it looks like the tide was up.
At the end of the trail, where we turned around to come back, we/I, went out the the edge and looked around the corner - Mr asked me nicely to come back to the trail...
Looks like I just might move in, right there, waiting for me (right!)

Stay tuned for more "adventures" in the wild west coast of California.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pumpkin Farm - For Young and Old Alike

Last month the pumpkin farm in the area was still open

So, on a Sunday afternoon, we loaded up and took a visit.

To Bishop's Pumpkin Farm

We had our 80 year old friend (and his wife)

and we had our youngest friend (a little over a year)

We also had visitors from as far away as Newfoundland
And other older friends, too

They had a "petting" area and the youngsters enjoyed going in and brushing the goats and sheep

Some did not know what to make of it all

An exhausted mother takes a break from all the attention
While some others visited
A big sister gives treats to her younger brothers

And two special friends hang out together

We had a beautiful day and ended it all with a few treats like these