Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More of California Coast

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To continue our  getaway...
We have been going to Fort Bragg for just about forever - well, maybe 20-30 years - oh wait, we went there when Terry (Miss Bricoleur) was 6 months old. So, if I do the math - over 38 years!

I feel a part ownership of the place. I look for what has changed since I was there last. The locals are earthy folk who one of my children would term "crunchy". The whole town survives on tourists and what they bring. We toured town, looking for yard sales and found one yard with a few items in it for sale. We struck a deal with the owner on a few items, one of which had to be taken apart before we could fit it in the back of the canopy on our truck. We found a "new" area we had never been to before (and probably won't go back again...)

 One place we seem to always hit is the Skunk Train Museum and mall of little shops that have sprung up around it for the tourists. There is a bevy of small shops that have glass blowing, T-shirts, cookbooks, shells, and local artist creations, along with a local cafe sort of restaurant with a restored steam locomotive in it.

How about these old passenger cars, rotting away? They used to carry travelers to Willits (around 35 miles away, over the river and through the woods).
Tracks that lead out of town.

No trip to Fort Bragg is complete until we visit the Coast True Value Store. You can buy everything from dishes, paint, hardware, electronics, candles, camping equipment and everything in between.
All this housed in a smallish store.
Across Main street is an old Lumber Baron's home turned into a museum
Beautiful stained glass bay window from an upstairs landing.

We hit all the thrift/second hand stores in town and the next. We scored on an old suitcase and green pyrex bowl, although I saw some awesome photos I would have like to have, but they were way, way, too expensive. $35 is too much for my thrifty self.

Mendocino, another small tourist town down the coast a short distance was having a craft/bake sale.
We usually don't go to these, but we had the time and we got several ideas from
other stores in the area. I got a bar of handmade, organic soap, a hair stick, homemade cookies
 and Mr got some apricot jam that will have his name and his only, on it. All, because we wanted the "help" the local economy. We have been on the selling side and know how it is to sit in your booth for long
periods and have people oooh and ah over your things and then they walk away. We couldn't buy everything, but every little bit helps. Besides, a trip to Fort Bragg always includes a Mendocino trip.

We also took in a trip to the Point Cabrillo Light Station.
It is fairly new, only being in use since 1905...
We had a leisurely walk down to the point, with eyes watching us
We crossed a area that is eroding as we speak...
It made a lovely "whomp!" sound every once in a while. Mr had to call me back to the path again!
Of the light keepers houses, two are rentable, and one is a museum. You can rent one of them out for the week for a near $3,000 if you want...

This is the second time we have visited the light station and it is always an enjoyable time.

Well, we stayed until Monday and then it was time to head on home. We talked about how this grandchild would enjoy this or that, how next time we need to..., or how we could bring a "load" up here of smalls and try our luck. All together, we enjoyed our time away, but we are always glad to come home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

California Coast Field Trip

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Our long weekend started on Thursday. We had a wonderful dinner with the folks. Featured was the obligatory turkey and ham. Everything was so delicious. We all played a game after dinner gathered around the large table. Trivia knowledge was key.

On Friday morning, bright and early we started a drive over to the coast. We have been looking forward to this for quite some time. It seems that every once in a while I need an "ocean" fix. We wanted to go through Petaluma to see a little shop that we have heard about called Summer Cottage Antiques. I had the "go ahead" from Mr to look all I wanted and I took my time going through the little shop and the upstairs. There were so many quaint items to see. The owner, who we wanted to meet face to face, was not in that day (bummer), but we enjoyed meeting the staff. Another shop around the corner caught our eye and we went inside - Sienna - This was more of a purist store - 3 stories of genuine, actual antiques. WOW. We deal with antiques, but these were the REAL deal, and if anything had been changed, painted over, repaired, etc, then it was not considered - not even. It was a real eye opener, because of the prices. I guess we tend to think more practical - can it be used? rather than admired for its beauty.

On the road again, our destination was Fort Bragg, CA. It is a quaint little town on the coast and we heard a native say that the prices for things are about par for those in Alaska. I can see how that is so, there is just no easy way to get there without going through a lot of winding roads. Even so, I love the town, about 10 blocks by 10 blocks, with the majority of the economy relying on tourism to keep it afloat. My roots go back here as my mother was born in a town 15 miles north, my grandfather was a logger and my grandmother ran the "camp" kitchen for a logging crew. Maybe that's why I need a little salt air now and then...

We stayed in a motel that was right on the bluff with walking trails out to the point. Right behind  our room we started walking and saw this

Right in the side yard of a house was a herd of around 8 deer, grazing and keeping one eye on us the same time.
Around the point, we saw this
This is part of the harbor area and it looks like the tide was up.
At the end of the trail, where we turned around to come back, we/I, went out the the edge and looked around the corner - Mr asked me nicely to come back to the trail...
Looks like I just might move in, right there, waiting for me (right!)

Stay tuned for more "adventures" in the wild west coast of California.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pumpkin Farm - For Young and Old Alike

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Last month the pumpkin farm in the area was still open

So, on a Sunday afternoon, we loaded up and took a visit.

To Bishop's Pumpkin Farm

We had our 80 year old friend (and his wife)

and we had our youngest friend (a little over a year)

We also had visitors from as far away as Newfoundland
And other older friends, too

They had a "petting" area and the youngsters enjoyed going in and brushing the goats and sheep

Some did not know what to make of it all

An exhausted mother takes a break from all the attention
While some others visited
A big sister gives treats to her younger brothers

And two special friends hang out together

We had a beautiful day and ended it all with a few treats like these

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday's Sacramento Show

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I am catching up on my housework, ironing, laundry and such.

I have a few pictures to share of our last Sunday's show in Sacramento.

Now for the other part...
None of these items sold...

I thought they looked good...
others thought they looked good...
but, not good enough to buy them and take them home.
Oh well.

It was fun to try to take a few pictures anyway.

Hope you are having a great day.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sacramento Antique Faire

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Tomorrow we are going to go to downtown Sacramento
or, "Downtown"
as we call it.

It was the first of the shows that we now go to.

It almost seems like going home.

We know how to pack
what to take
who we will see
just generally, what to expect.

I expect to see "Paul"
my contact that buys watches that I pick up
(if they are the right ones)

I may see "Edward"
who buys silver and gold
(if I have any)

I will probably see Terry and Barb.
A couple that we have made friends with.
They were dealers many years ago
before Terry's MS got his mobility attached to a motorized chair.

We will see other dealers that sometimes buy from us
but will probably just stop by for a quick visit.

There are our neighbors to our right that come
from Reno and spend the night
(or what is left of it)
in their van next to our space.
I hope we are not too loud in our unloading
to wake them up at 3:30 am...

We say hi to our neighbors on the left when they
arrive around 5am. They are also from Reno.

The couple across the way always has a friendly
smile and chat ready for us.

They ladies also across the way sell vintage
linens, quilts, doilies and other things that make me drool.

If I stand on my tip-toes, I can sometimes
see my daughter and son-in-law
and their business partners in their
I even have a grandchild visit for a little while.
They always have amazing wares to sell.

And, now, I must "hit the hay" to get some sleep.
As 2am comes very early around here.

Good night, dear hearts.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yard Sale Time

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A Yard Sale in the Making

We have an over abundance of inventory

So, we are having a yard sale in hopes of reclaiming portions of our home

We will have items that are ready for resale

Items that need a little TLC for those that 
are inspired by creating their own looks

Items that are collectible in their own right

All in all, we want to 
clean out
reclaim lost areas

so I will be very busy these next few days

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


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After all my doom and gloom post about the weather last week, 
I thought I should follow up and tell you how wonderfully sunny it was at Alameda.

We checked and rechecked the weather so many times.

As we left the house around 1:45 am,
it was softly raining here.

As we got closer to the show, the skies cleared,
the stars chose to shine
and it was DRY!

It was a very nice day.
In fact, one of the nicest

So, for those of your that were wondering...
it was so nice, we will go back next month...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Autumn Quilt Project

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I have finished an autumn lap quilt that I am going to take to shows for sale.
Hopefully someone will like it as much as I do.
It is lap size, but it could be used as a table covering, if you are in that sort of thing.

This is the only decent picture I got 
because the camera battery wanted to be recharged. 
I couldn't find the flash setting and the battery was going, going, gone...
Sigh, just when I need it, I wasn't prepared... 
Does this happen to anyone else?

It has pumpkins and berries on the front side.
A great print does the back with quilting in a square pattern.
It is bound with a soft "sea foam" sorta color.

I will be taking it with me Sunday.

We are looking forward to this show,
it seems like it has been so long since we went,
only 5 weeks, but it seems like a lot has happened in that time.

Maybe I will see you there???