Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Petaluma

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We visited a show in Petaluma, California today. It was teaming with people selling, buying and just having a good time.

We parked and came up to the closed off street that housed hundreds of booths.

I "shot" this into the sun. Petaluma Antique Faire.
Some places you could hardly walk it was so crowded. I hugged my purse and Mr put his wallet into a front pocket. We were safe... well, safety minded. We had no problems.

All kinds of goods were offered, from vintage clothing to the dishes that grandma used in her kitchen to kettle korn and in between.

Old friends reconnecting.

Garden art was very prominent.

We may "do" this show in the fall. It covers two city blocks and a parking lot.

Well, just to give you an idea of a show in the area. After this, we went home to rest our weary feet. And what we purchased? A coffee, some hugs from some friends and a day spent together. What could be better?

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